Fruits varieties: benefits for your nutrition | Dream Foods Somos los mejores proveedores de pulpas de frutas exóticas del mercado Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:45:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fruits varieties: benefits for your nutrition | Dream Foods 32 32 Papaya fruit: a journey through its history, flavors and uses Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:45:49 +0000 Papaya fruit: a journey through its history, flavors and uses

Since the time of the Mesoamerican civilizations, people have been cultivating and consuming papaya fruit, which is native to Central America. The Mayans and Aztecs valued this fruit for its nutritional and medicinal properties (Pharmacius, 2023). Subsequently, with the arrival of Europeans in America, it spread around the world and adapted to tropical and subtropical […]

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Papaya fruit: a journey through its history, flavors and uses

Since the time of the Mesoamerican civilizations, people have been cultivating and consuming papaya fruit, which is native to Central America. The Mayans and Aztecs valued this fruit for its nutritional and medicinal properties (Pharmacius, 2023).

Subsequently, with the arrival of Europeans in America, it spread around the world and adapted to tropical and subtropical climates (Europeana, n. d.). Thanks to its ease of cultivation and multiple uses, it became one of the most popular exotic fruits.

Uses of papaya fruit in the food industry

The food industry uses this fruit in various ways. It contains a proteolytic enzyme called papain, used as a meat tenderizer, in beer production, and as a digestive supplement (Europeana, n. d.).

Moreover, its sweet and juicy pulp is very much appreciated in the production of juices, purees, and concentrates, as is the case with citrus fruits. Papayas are also used in jams, jellies, pastry fillings and dried fruits.

Over the course of time, different varieties have developed. Thus, you can choose between different types of fruit depending on the result you want to achieve:

  • Hawaiian: it is a small fruit (up to 1 kilo in weight), with an orange color and intense sweetness.
  • Mexican: it can weigh up to 5 kilos per piece. The pulp is yellow, and its flavor is milder.
  • Mountain: from the Andes, it is a fruit with firm flesh and low sweetness.

Papaya fruit: best practices for industrial processing

Above all, the food industry needs to comply with a series of standards to guarantee the safety and quality of its products. In this sense, it is essential to consider some practices for the correct processing of this fruit.

Fruit selection

It should be harvested at optimum ripeness, as unripe fruits do not develop their full flavor. And if they are overripe, they can spoil quickly. In addition, it is essential to select pieces without physical damage.

Washing and disinfection of papaya fruit

Before processing, it is crucial to wash and disinfect the fruit to remove any residues of pesticides, soil, or pathogenic microorganisms. It is possible to use chlorine solutions or peracetic acid for this purpose.

Peeling and pulping

The various types of fruits undergo specific processes to turn them into puree. In the case of papayas, the technique is to peel them and remove its pulp manually or by specialized machinery. Furthermore, the resulting pulp must be inspected to ensure that it is free of impurities.

Correct packaging

To obtain a quality product, it is important to package the puree under hygienic conditions and in suitable materials that protect it from light, oxygen, and moisture. Vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging is useful to extend the shelf life of the processed fruit.


This industrial process extends the shelf life of purees and ensures their safety. Pasteurization eliminates pathogenic microorganisms without significantly affecting the taste or nutrients of the fruit. In summary, papayafruit is a versatile ingredient that is highly valued in the global food industry. Consider incorporating it into your products to diversify your commercial proposition and enhance your offerings.

Bibliographic references

  • Europeana. (n.d.). Papaya: la fruta de los ángeles.
  • Infobae. (2024, January 10). Para qué sirve la papaya y cuáles son sus beneficios para la salud.
  • Pharmacius. (2023, September 2). La papaya: propiedades y para qué sirve.

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Soursop fruit: discover their properties and consider them in your industry Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:55:14 +0000 Soursop fruit: discover their properties and consider them in your industry

Explore the potential of soursop fruit in the food industry, its nutritional benefits, applications, and essential regulations.

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Soursop fruit: discover their properties and consider them in your industry

Have you ever considered how a tropical fruit could revolutionize the food industry? The soursop fruit, famous for its exquisite flavor and nutritional properties, is becoming a versatile and healthy ingredient in the creation of various products. How can it be used in production? Join us to find out.

Soursop fruit: relevance in the food industry

Otherwise known as Graviola or Annona muricata, the food industry highly appreciates it as part of the exotic fruits (Juarez, 2020). We tell you why:

  • For its nutritional properties.
  • Also, because it can be used in the production of various derivative products.

It is also rich in:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Also, in B1 and B2.
  • Essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.

On the other hand, it contains antioxidants and bioactive compounds, which provide health benefits (Juárez, 2020). This becomes attractive to the industry due to:

  • First, these compounds improve the nutritional profile and attractiveness of products.
  • Second, they boost innovation.
  • Also, they offer competitive and marketing advantages.

Soursop fruit applications in the industry.

In contrast to citrus fruits, soursop fruit is very versatile in the food industry thanks to its distinctive flavor and nutritional benefits. It has a white, juicy, and fibrous flesh. It also has a unique flavor that combines sweet and slightly acidic hints, resembling a mixture of strawberry and pineapple. Its creamy and thick texture makes it perfect for culinary preparations (Baylis, 2023).

It can be used in:

  • Purees.
  • Juices.
  • Concentrates.
  • Frozen products.
  • Supplements.

In fact, the wide variety of uses of this fruit allows the development of a great diversity of products. Therefore, it covers the different consumer preferences and opens new market opportunities for companies.

Learn about the products that use it:

Alcoholic beverages

The creation of various cocktails has incorporated this fruit. It has gained popularity in the fruit beer market due to its healthy and sustainable appeal.

Juices and soft drinks with soursop fruit

On the other hand, it can be used to prepare gourmet juices or lemonades. Likewise, gluten-free and vegan drinks. This makes it especially oriented to a younger or healthier public (Silva, 2023).

Dairy products

Mixed with yogurt and milk to create healthy smoothies and yogurts. It is also used to flavor cheeses and creams.

Other applications

Also, is used in the preparation of ice creams, yogurts, and nectars. In these cases, it also maintains its nutritional benefits.

Regulations and quality standards to be followed

Regulations and quality standards for soursop fruit processing in the United States include:

1. FDA (Food and Drug Administration):

  • Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP): ensures proper sanitary conditions.
  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP): identifies and controls hazards in production.
  • Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): emphasizes the prevention of food contamination.

2. United States Department of Agriculture:

  • Organic Certification: meets National Organic Program (NOP) standards for organic products.

3. Internal quality controls:

  • Microbiological testing: detects contaminants such as bacteria and fungi.
  • Process control: monitors all stages of processing.

4. Labeling and traceability:

  • Labeling: provides clear information on ingredients, nutritional values and allergens.
  • Traceability: Trace the origin of the product to manage safety issues.

Why is it important to comply with these regulations?

The advantages of complying with the regulations are:

  1. Product safety and quality: ensures that products from this fruit are safe for consumption and of excellent quality.
  2. Consumer confidence: reinforces consumer confidence by ensuring that products comply with established regulations.
  3. Access to international markets: facilitates entry and acceptance in global markets, which expands business opportunities.

Benefits and assured quality

In brief, soursop fruit, with its nutritional properties and versatility, has great potential in the food industry. However, for its use, it is essential to integrate good practices in your operations to maximize its benefits and meet the demand for healthy and sustainable products. All of this will help position you as a leader in food innovation.


  • Asoguanabana. (2022, 18 de octubre). Producción y exportación de guanábana orgánica será una prioridad. Asoguanábana.
  • Baylis, M. (2023, 21 de septiembre). Guanábana: descripción, sabor, beneficios y usos.
  • FDA. (s.f.). Reglamentos Finales para Controles Preventivos de Alimentos para Humanos. FDA.
  • Juárez, C. (2020, 7 de mayo). Buscan elaborar productos a base de pulpa de guanábana. The food tech.
  • Safety Culture. (2024, 15 de enero). ¿Qué son las BPM?
  • Silva, D. (2023, 1 de abril). ¡Cocteles con guanábana! Exóticos y tropicales!

La entrada Soursop fruit: discover their properties and consider them in your industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Citrus Fruits: recommendations for use in food Fri, 17 May 2024 15:38:15 +0000 Citrus Fruits: recommendations for use in food

In the food industry, citrus fruits are known for enhancing the flavor of products. Learn how to use them correctly and their role.

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Citrus Fruits: recommendations for use in food

Citrus fruits are an exceptional ingredient in the food industry, with the ability to transform products. They are used in fruit pulps, purees, juices, and ice creams, among other foods, because they give them a fresh and revitalizing profile.

Get to know the universe that makes up this kind of fruit and learn how to select them in the industry.

Citrus fruits and their role in foods

First to know, these fruits not only add flavor. Using their pulp in the industry also provides an explosion of vitality and freshness to food products. Mind you, each fruit offers a unique profile that can transform an ordinary product into an exceptional sensory experience. Let’s see how they do it:

  • Orange: with its balanced sweetness and a touch of acidity, it is undoubtedly a classic in the food industry. Also, in juices and ice creams, its freshness adds an unmatched touch.
  • Lemon: with its sharp, refreshing flavor, it is the star ingredient in various products. From drinks to jams, its versatility makes it an undisputed favorite.
  • Lime: with its distinctive acidity, it is one of many exotic fruits that adds a special touch to any product. In fact, in combination with other flavors, such as in smoothies or flavored waters, it brings an irresistible tropical freshness.
  • Grapefruit: with its bold, slightly bitter taste, it is perfect for those looking for a more intense experience. In pulps and juices, its distinctive flavor adds depth and complexity.

How to select citrus fruits?

When selecting citrus fruit pulps for your food products, you must consider several factors. Only then will you be able to ensure proper flavor preservation. These include the following:

  • Product quality: always opt for fresh, high-quality fruits to ensure optimal flavor in your products.
  • Flavor balance: experiment with different citrus combinations to find the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
  • Seasonal consideration: consider the seasonality of citrus fruits to make the most of their freshness and availability.
  • Extraction process: use appropriate extraction methods to preserve the natural flavors and nutrients of these fruits.

Implementation in food products

It’s crucial to follow these steps when incorporating these fruits into your food products to ensure customer satisfaction:

  1. Taste testing: conduct comprehensive taste tests to ensure that the fruit complements and enhances the other ingredients in your product.
  2. Consumer feedback: test products with your consumers. Then gather their comments to adjust and improve the inclusion of citrus in your products.
  3. Clear labeling: make sure your product labeling clearly reflects the presence of this kind of fruit to attract consumers.
  4. Continuous innovation: Keep abreast of market trends and continue to experiment with new ways of incorporating citrus into your products.

Finally, there is no doubt that citrus fruits are true gems in the food industry, capable of transforming ordinary foods into extraordinary experiences. Take advantage of the freshness and vitality of citrus fruits and use them in your food products!

Referencias Bibliográficas

  • Riaz, S., Ahmad, A., Farooq, R., Hussain, N., Riaz, T., Hussain, K. y Mazahir, M. (2022). Citrus: an overview of food uses and health benefits. En: M. Pereira y J. Scherer (Eds.). Citrus research – horticultural and human health aspects. IntechOpen.
  • Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. (2023, 3 de marzo). Citrus uses in the food industry.

La entrada Citrus Fruits: recommendations for use in food aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Food freshness: keys to maintaining it till the end Fri, 29 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Food freshness: keys to maintaining it till the end

In this article, find out how to maintain food freshness from the raw material to the finished product with our practical tips.

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Food freshness: keys to maintaining it till the end

Imagine a world where the food you eat is as fresh, tasty, and nutritious as if it had just been harvested. In order to make this real, it is vital to maintain food freshness from the raw material to the finished product. Here are the secrets to preserving its quality and flavor in every bite.

Key indicators of food freshness for producers

Producers must look at several indicators of organoleptic freshness, such as the aroma, the texture, and the flavor of foods to ensure that US goods are a benchmark of quality. All these elements are especially crucial for perishable foods such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Maintaining food freshness from start to finish

To achieve freshness from the raw material to the final product, some key recommendations are:

  • Fresh ingredients. Choose ingredients such as natural fruit purees, made from freshly harvested fruit. Purees not only enhance the taste of the products, but also provide a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fibre. So, by choosing these fresh supplies, you are ensuring the quality of your food.
  • Proper handling. Good hygiene and housekeeping practices are essential to avoid contamination and preserve food freshness. Do not forget to wash your hands and utensils before handling food. Moreover, avoid cross-contamination by separating raw food from cooked food. These measures not only maintain the freshness of ingredients, but also protect the health of those who eat them.
  • Proper storage. Be sure to keep food at the right temperature and humidity to preserve its freshness and quality. Store perishable products in cool, dry places, and keep food refrigerated when it is necessary. In addition, properly segregate functional food, non GMO foods and other kinds of food in designated areas or using separate containers.

Additional suggestions for maintaining quality

  • Appropriate packaging. Use packaging that protects the product from light, air, and moisture. This prevents the loss of freshness and maintains the quality of the ingredients for longer. Consider using airtight containers for storing dry foods, such as cereals or flours, and vacuum packaging for fresh produce, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Food grading. This involves knowing the standards set for different types of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy, and using the criteria to select the freshest and best quality products. By following these standards, you can ensure that you purchase ingredients that are at their peak of freshness. In addition, by properly categorizing food, you can optimize its storage and use. This reduces the waste and it maximizes food’s shelf life.

In summary, food freshness is a key factor in delivering quality products. By following these guidelines, you can be part of the movement that revolutionizes how food is purchased, processed, and consumed.

Bibliographic references:

  • Ajmera, R. (2020, January 17). What Are Functional Foods? All You Need to Know. Healthline.
  • Tapia, M., Alzamora, S., & Chirife, J. (2020). Effects of Water Activity (a w) on Microbial Stability as a Hurdle in Food Preservation. In G. Barbosa, A. Fontana, S. Schmidt & T. Labuza (Eds.), Water Activity in Foods: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 323-355). Wiley.

La entrada Food freshness: keys to maintaining it till the end aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Mango milk shake: tips for producing and optimizing its production Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:05:00 +0000 Mango milk shake: tips for producing and optimizing its production

The mango milk shake is a delicious and refreshing beverage. This article presents the keys to its production and optimization

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Mango milk shake: tips for producing and optimizing its production

The mango milk shake is delicious, we all know that. In every beverage of this kind, we find a fusion of ice cream, milk, and irresistible flavors. That’s why the milk shake has positioned itself as one of the most popular drinks in the American market. Its history dates to the twenties when it first appeared in malt shops and quickly became a symbol of American youth culture (Campbell, 2023).

Today, the milk shake remains a timeless classic. After all, it always satisfies the most discerning tastes with a wide variety of flavors (Campbell, 2023). Among them, the mango milk shake has earned a special place in the hearts of consumers. This is thanks to its exotic flavor and refreshing tropical aroma (Amit, 2021). To discover the keys to its production, keep reading!

Keys to mango milk shake production

In the food industry, producing this milk shake requires special attention to ensure a superior quality end product. One key to optimizing its preparation is the use of high-quality ingredients (Onquest Laboratories, 2024). Among them is mango puree, obtained from fresh and ripe mangos, which imparts an authentic flavor to the milk shake. It also contributes to the desired result: a creamy texture. Therefore, using this top-quality product, ensures that the flavor takes center stage in the beverage, creating a unique sensory experience for the consumer (Ushakova, 2022).

The balance between ingredients is also crucial. Finding the perfect combination of ice cream, milk, and puree can achieve a creamy and well-balanced flavor in the milk shake. Additionally, experimenting with different recipe variations, such as adding mango sorbet, can add depth of flavor and an even more pleasant texture to the mango milk shake (Ushakova, 2022).

How to optimize production

To optimize the production of mango milk shakes, it’s important to consider some practical tips:

  • Always use fresh and ripe mangos whenever possible to enhance flavor and texture.
  • Consider adding ingredients such as mango pudding. This adds complexity to the beverage and provides an innovative option for consumers (Onquest Laboratories, 2024).
  • Maintain strict hygiene and sanitation at all stages of production. This ensures food safety and the quality of the final product.
  • Regularly conduct taste and texture tests to ensure each batch meets the desired standards (Onquest Laboratories, 2024).

In conclusion, the production of mango milk shakes in the food industry requires high attention to detail and a focus on ingredients quality (Onquest Laboratories, 2024). Furthermore, using high-quality mango puree and experimenting with additional components allows manufacturers to create exceptional milk shakes. This way, they will delight consumers and stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Bibliographic references

  • Amit, D. (2021, 18 de mayo). Mango Shake Recipe (2 Delicious Milk shake).Dassana’s Veg Recipes.
  • Campbell, A. (2023, 13 de julio). Wait, Milk shakes Were Invented at… Walgreens? Allrecipes.
  • Oquest Laboratories. (2024, 23 de enero). Health Benefits of Drinking Mango Shakes and its Side Effects.
  • Ushakova, M. (2022, 24 de diciembre). How to make mango puree (easy recipe).

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Pineapple puree: its uses in the food industry Mon, 26 Feb 2024 16:22:52 +0000 Pineapple puree: its uses in the food industry

Pineapple puree stands out due to its versatility in the food industry. Here are some reasons why you should use it in your business.

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Pineapple puree: its uses in the food industry

Pineapple puree has earned an important place in the large U.S. food market. Competition is fierce in this market. From beverages and desserts to sauces and dressings, pineapple has conquered the palates of American consumers.

This puree stands out among purees made from sour fruits as a versatile product for food flavoring. Below, we will explore why this input, which is made from one of the most delicious Caribbean fruits, deserves to be considered in food production.

Pineapple puree: its potency in the food industry

You won’t want to lose the opportunity to use this puree to flavor your products. This is the only way to give your food an authentic touch, typical of the exotic fruits of the Caribbean. You should choose this input for the following reasons.

Versatility in application

Certainly, the puree of this fruit has no limits when it comes to culinary applications. Among various types of fruits, pineapple is classified as acidic. Certainly, it excels in a wide variety of preparations.

Whether for sweet and sour sauces, fruit desserts, or salad dressings, this ingredient adapts easily. In addition, its smooth and homogeneous consistency facilitates its integration into various recipes and provides an explosion of tropical flavor.

Natural and fresh fragrance

The natural essence of the pineapple is optimally preserved in the puree. Thus, it provides a fresh and authentic aroma to the final products. This touch of freshness enhances the sensory experience. It also creates an emotional connection with consumers who seek genuine and natural flavors in their food.

Beneficial nutritional profile

In addition to its delicious taste, provides nutritional benefits to the final products. It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes (Kiril Mischeff, 2021). This ingredient not only delights the palate but also adds a healthy touch to dishes.

Colombian high quality pineapple puree

Highlighting that this puree, which comes from reliable, high-quality sources, is crucial for the U.S. food industry. Colombia is a leading reference in pineapple production.

The combination of favorable climatic conditions and careful agricultural practices ensures optimal growth of this fruit. For this reason, pineapples from Colombia can be used to produce fresh and tasty purees that meet the demands of the industry.

Our invitation to innovate with pineapple puree

In conclusion, we invite you to consider the puree of this Caribbean fruit as a fundamental element in the creation of your products. Its versatility, freshness, and beneficial nutritional profile make it a strategic choice to differentiate and improve food quality. Discover the unlimited possibilities that pineapple puree can bring to your culinary creations! Delight your customers with authentic and exciting flavors that only popular fruits, such as pineapple, can deliver.


  • Alimentos SAS (2021). Pulp of fruit and its use in the food industry: 5 newest ways to do it.
  • Kiril Mischeff. (2021). Pineapple Puree.
  • Mordor Intelligence (2023). Pineapple Market Size & Share Analysis – Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024 – 2029).

La entrada Pineapple puree: its uses in the food industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Popular fruits: these are the most used in the beverage industry Thu, 15 Feb 2024 16:36:47 +0000 Popular fruits: these are the most used in the beverage industry

Many popular fruits are used in the beverage industry to give products a natural flavor. Learn about the six of the most common.

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Popular fruits: these are the most used in the beverage industry

In the beverage industry, incorporating fruit flavors is essential to create refreshing and delicious experiences. Several popular fruits have become key ingredients for unique and appealing flavor profiles. These not only provide a natural flavor but also a distinctive aromatic tone and an extraordinary multi-sensory experience.

Below, you will learn about the most popular types of fruits in creating various beverages.

1. Strawberries, natural and sweet popular fruits

Strawberries are natural, sweet, and vibrant colored fruits. Producers commonly use them in beverages like smoothies, flavored waters, and juices. They are also common in products such as yogurts, ice cream, and cereals. They rank among the most widely used sweet fruits in refreshing products and can be combined with fresh herbs such as basil to create unique flavor experiences. Moreover, the industry commonly uses them as fruit purees, frozen strawberries, and preserves.

2. Apple, a widely used fruit

Products like juices, compotes, and snacks often feature apples as a popular fruit. Particularly, it has a sweet taste and offers an attractive aroma. Adding texture and naturalness to beverages, this fruit is used in both pure juices and mixed beverages. In the food industry, preserves and concentrates incorporated it for making beverages and foods.

3. Pineapple, one of the most versatile popular fruits

Pineapple is a fruit that adds a tropical note to many beverages, whether in juices, smoothies, or cocktails. Its sweet taste and juicy texture transport consumers to warm and refreshing experiences. Its versatility often leads to its use in crafting liquid yogurt and combining it with other fruits. A very common flavor in the beverage industry results from its combination with coconut to create exquisite flavors such as piña colada.

4. Mango, an exotic and tropical fruit

Mango is one of the popular fruits that brings an exotic and tropical feel to drinks. Is an ingredient to make juices, desserts, and tropical cocktails. It is one of the exotic fruits with a sweet and fruity taste. Combining it with herbs such as mint enhances the tasting experience with added complexity.

5. Guava, one of the most appreciated and popular fruits

Highly appreciated for its tropical flavor and aroma, guava is a native fruit of Colombia. It features prominently in the preparation of juices, smoothies, and drinks combined with other fruits. Its purees provide a unique texture and intense sweetness to fruit cocktail mixtures. It is also widely used to make fruit desserts and baked goods.

6. Passion fruit: a fruit of intense flavor, aroma, and color

Passion fruit is one of the Caribbean fruits with a very attractive sensory profile. With its unique flavor, color, and aroma, it finds inclusion in beverages like smoothies, cocktails, and juices.  It is also used as a puree in jellies, desserts, and beverages, as it adds an acidic and tropical touch to products.

The variety of fruits used in the beverage industry brings diverse flavors that appeal to consumers. They are popular fruits that not only add a natural flavor but also bring freshness and an aroma that satisfies the senses. From classic strawberries and apples to exotic and tropical options such as mango or passion fruit, these are common fruits in the preparation of cocktails, juices, nectars, and ice creams, and a good alternative to accompany yogurts and add flavor to desserts.

Bibliographic references

  • Acuña, J. (2020). Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.): Manual of technical recommendations for its cultivation in the department of Cundinamarca. Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Bogotá.
  • Betancourt, J., Fernández, D. & Moreno, A. (2021, November 25). Export opportunities of pineapple (Ananas comosus) in the French market. Universidad de Cundinamarca, Facatativá extension, Colombia.
  • Buitrago, G., Bustamante, S., Corredor, G., Saavedra, J., Pinzón, & Pinzón, D., Pérez, D. and Diaz, D. (2021). Guava (Psidium guajava): Manual of technical recommendations for its cultivation in the department of Cundinamarca. Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Bogotá.
  • CIATEJ. (n.d.). Introduction to mango technology.
  • Fruits and Life (n.d.). The most used fruits in the food industry.
  • INSST. (n.d.). Industria de las bebidas.
  • Moreira, R., Fonfay, F. & Barzola, M. (2021). Tropical fruits diversity, processes and health benefits.
  • PROCOLOMBIA (2019, February 19). 5 exotic Colombian fruits you can’t miss.
  • The Food Tech (2021, April 14). Trends in beverages: tropical and savory flavors are the highlights.
  • The Packer (2021). Fresh Trends 2021.

La entrada Popular fruits: these are the most used in the beverage industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Caribbean fruits: why should they be part of your raw material? Tue, 26 Dec 2023 13:15:00 +0000 Caribbean fruits: why should they be part of your raw material?

Caribbean fruits offer a promising opportunity for development in the U.S. food industry. Discover why!

La entrada Caribbean fruits: why should they be part of your raw material? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Caribbean fruits: why should they be part of your raw material?

Have you ever wondered what makes Caribbean fruits so unique? Besides being exotic and delicious, they provide an exciting opportunity to expand the U.S. market. Now, let us explore the reasons to get serious about including these tropical flavors.

Caribbean fruits: why consider them?

Caribbean tropical fruits can greatly diversify the flavors of commercial products in the United States. Gebre et al. (2023) present relevant data indicating a remarkable opportunity for this raw material source:

  • These fruits have experienced a considerable increase in production. For example, it accounts for 75 % of the world’s production.
  • Bananas, watermelons, apples, oranges, grapes, and mangoes experienced an increase in production during the period from 2010 to 2020. Those were the top six fruits globally.
  • The commercialization of these tropical inputs has substantially developed. That is due to the growing demand and the economic benefits obtained.

Reasons for including these fruits in the U.S. market

According to Panorama Cultural (2022), there are some elements to keep in mind:

  • These functional foods, either in their natural state or after processing, contain elements that provide health benefits.
  • In many places, research is being done on the variety of Caribbean fruits and their properties for food production.

Other compelling reasons also exist to consider them:

  1. The Caribbean is noted for its wide range of exotic fruits and unique flavors uncommon in the United States. These tropical flavors represent a refreshing option compared to the more traditional flavors in the U.S. market. Some types of fruits include:
  2. Sweet fruits: mango, papaya, and soursop.
  3. Some acid fruits: pineapple, guava, and passion fruit.
  4. Caribbean fruits have gained popularity for their abundant content of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants(Enriquez et al., 2020).
  5. The Caribbean has different growing seasons compared to the United States. This allows obtaining fresh fruit year-round. Simultaneously, companies can consistently offer products with Caribbean flavors. Even when local fruits are not in season (Fred, 2016).
  6. Caribbean fruits can be used to produce novel foods such as beverages, purees, and energy bars.

Great opportunities with the Caribbean

Including tropical fruits holds great promise for enhancing flavor diversity in commercial products in the United States. This is due to their variety of flavors. Also, the demand for healthy foods, and the willingness of the U.S. market to try new experiences. For this reason, consider the use of this wonderful raw material, especially in concentrated purees and in the various products of your industry. Caribbean fruits: High-quality raw materials with lots of flavor!

Bibliographic References

  • Enriquez, S., Salazar, N., Robles, M., González, G., Ayala, F., and Lopez, L. (2020). Bioactive properties of exotic tropical fruits and their health benefits. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 70 (3), 205-214.
  • Fred , C. (2016). Consumer welfare and out-of-season imports. European journal of agricultural economics, 585-608.
  • Gebre, G., Gebremariam, S., Keneni, Y. and Marchetti, J. (2023). Valorization of tropical fruit processing residues and by-products for biofuel production. Biofuels, Bioprod, 17, 1807-1842.
  • Cultural Panorama (2022). Five fruits that grow in the Caribbean and have great health benefits. Cultural Panorama.

La entrada Caribbean fruits: why should they be part of your raw material? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Sweet fruits that every food industry needs to know about Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:51:35 +0000 Sweet fruits that every food industry needs to know about

Sweet fruits will provide a natural flavor to your beverages or industrial foods. Do you know the most popular ones? Find out here.

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Sweet fruits that every food industry needs to know about

Any of your customers would like to taste sweet fruits in the food you offer them. Not only because of their distinctive taste but also because they are an incredible source of vitamins and minerals (Esneca, 2021). Read on to learn about the most popular fruits.

Most demanded flavors for food and beverages in the U.S.

For industrial food production, finding different types of fruits in the same brand is common. Below, we will show you the most commonly used fruits by flavor in the United States, according to the type of fruit (Sabor USA, 2019).:

  • Sweet fruits: they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, B12, and B15 complex (Kiwi Atlantic, 2019). They do not contain acids and some of the most consumed are bananas, watermelons, red apples, melons, among other fruits.
  • Sour fruits: They serve as excellent antioxidants and rich sources of vitamin C, characterized by their high citric acid content (Diario Vasco, 2020). The most consumed are guava fruits, pineapple, orange, blackberry, lemon, strawberry… among others.
  • Semi-acid fruits: They contain a lower amount of citric acid, but they are not totally sweet. In addition to contributing multivitamins, they are also known for aiding in fluid drainage (Esneca, 2021). For example, plum, tangerine, green apple, peach, among others.

Inputs and ingredients needed to include sweet fruits

Similarly, when preparing fruit desserts on an industrial scale, it is advisable to have these ingredients:

  • Yogurt: mixing it with fruits creates long-lasting, healthy, and delicious desserts or foods.
  • Natural colorants: to give greater intensity to the color of the food, organic colorants are a suitable solution.
  • Concentrated pulp: is one of the presentations to have natural fruit for your products that we recommend. In addition, it is easy to store, use and maintain.
  • Natural fruit juice: an alternative to fruit pulp is juice concentrate (NFC).

Sweet fruits and their benefits in industrial production

There are many reasons why you should add natural fruits to your food and beverages. Review some of the benefits in the following list:

  • They provide a unique flavor.
  • Contribute to the well-being of the digestive system.
  • They allow to reduce, as necessary, the use of sugar.
  • They are an excellent way to satiate the appetite.

In conclusion, if you are looking to improve your food products, then you cannot hesitate to add these fruits. It is one of the ingredients that can give you the best results, so include them in your products!

Bibliographic References

  • Diario Vasco (April 14, 2023). 5 examples of acidic or citric fruits and their properties.
  • Scena. (2021, July 22). What are the types of fruits?
  • Kiwi Atlantic. (2019, February 21). The classification of fruits.
  • Taste USA. (2019, December 12). Tips on how to properly mix fruits.

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Sour fruits: 4 that can change product flavors Wed, 18 Oct 2023 16:24:49 +0000 Sour fruits: 4 that can change product flavors

Sour fruits, known for their flavor and rich nutrient profiles, include apples, strawberries, grapes, oranges, blueberries, lemons, pineapples, and raspberries, which rank among the most popular choices in the United States. These fruits are frequently in the food industry for creating various consumer products like preserves, juices, jams, and desserts. Also, in the dairy and […]

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Sour fruits: 4 that can change product flavors

Sour fruits, known for their flavor and rich nutrient profiles, include apples, strawberries, grapes, oranges, blueberries, lemons, pineapples, and raspberries, which rank among the most popular choices in the United States. These fruits are frequently in the food industry for creating various consumer products like preserves, juices, jams, and desserts. Also, in the dairy and ice cream industry to create new flavors in their products (The Packer, 2021; Mordor Intelligence, 2023).

The food industry uses these four sour fruits to change the flavor of products.

1. Strawberries, one of the most widely consumed sour fruits

Firstly, strawberries rank among the most consumed fruits in the United States and earn high regard for their pleasant flavor, enticing aroma, and vibrant red color. Moreover, they boast high levels of vitamin C and basic minerals. This fruit is suitable for raw, fresh consumption and is available in various forms such as fruit pulp, purees, frozen, and concentrated (Acuña, 2020).

Certainly, it holds significant industrial value, and the food production industry recognizes it as a vital ingredient, particularly in the creation of diverse flavored products. These products encompass compotes, fruit desserts, jams, juices, yogurts, jellies, ice cream, and more (Acuña, 2020).

2. Pineapple, among the most demanded sour fruits in the world

Pineapple stands as one of the world’s most sought-after fruits, renowned for its rich nutrient content, including vitamin C, B1, B9, and E, as well as minerals and fiber. Moreover, it is famous for its distinctive flavor and the extensive array of available varieties. The most popular presentation is as fresh fruit, cut and packaged in bags or trays.

In the market, it comes in various forms, including canned whole slices and pieces, as well as pulp and purees. For instance, the food industry utilizes pineapple as a raw material in crafting simple or concentrated juices, syrups, jellies, candied fruits, and as a base for producing dairy products like yogurt and ice cream, among others (UN, S.f.; Betancourt et al., 2021).

3. Passion fruit, one of the sour fruits with intense flavor

Passion fruit ranks among the exotic fruits known for its intense and distinctive acid flavor. It boasts a highly characteristic strong aroma and retains its vibrant color in any of its forms. The pulp encases small seeds that develop within a robust shell providing protection. It is available as a processed product in the form of fruit pulp, purees, or concentrates (PROCOLOMBIA, 2019).

Known as passion fruit, this is abundant in vitamin A and C, along with antioxidants like flavonoids and alkaloids. The food industry frequently employs it for crafting juices, desserts, jellies, and various other products. Its vibrant flavor retains exceptionally well, making it a valuable ingredient for enhancing the taste of industrialized products (PROCOLOMBIA, 2019; Lemus, S.f.).

4. Guava, a fruit that provides a lot of flavor

Guava fruit contains a rich array of nutrients like vitamin A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. It possesses a mild flavor, ranging from mildly acidic to slightly sweet; with pulp varying in colors of pink, white, red, or yellow. The primary product derived from guava is its pulp. In addition, is available in various forms, including fresh fruit, frozen pulp, purees, concentrates, and more.

This fruit serves as a raw material for producing numerous food items; for example, imparting its distinctive flavor to juices, nectars, desserts, preserves, jams, ice cream, gelatins, wines, and various other products (Buitrago et al., 2021). In conclusion, sour fruits are distinguished by their nutritional richness and delightful, intense flavor. They serve as valuable ingredients in the food industry; subsequently, enhancing the flavor profile of many products or offering a unique taste to existing ones. Strawberry, pineapple, passion fruit, and guava represent excellent options for infusing a new flavor into food products.

Bibliographic References

  • Acuña, J. (2020). Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.): Manual of technical recommendations for its cultivation in the department of Cundinamarca. National University of Colombia, Bogota.
  • Betancourt, J., Fernández, D. and Moreno, A. (2021, November 25). Export opportunities of pineapple (Ananas comosus) in the French market. University of Cundinamarca, Facatativá, Colombia.
  • Buitrago, G., Bustamante, S., Corredor, G., Saavedra, J., Pinzón, Y. Pinzón, D., Pérez, D. and Diaz, D. (2021). Guava (Psidium guajava): Manual of technical recommendations for its cultivation in the department of Cundinamarca. Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Bogotá.
  • Lemus, G. (S.f.). Passion fruit. A new species that can be incorporated in the central zone. Agricultural Research Institute – INIA, Chile.
  • Mordor Intelligence (2023). Fruit and vegetable processing market: global trends, impact and covid-19 forecasts (2023 – 2028).
  • PROCOLOMBIA. (2019, February 19). 5 exotic Colombian fruits you can’t miss to try.
  • The Packer. (2021). Fresh Trends 2021.
  • UN. (S.f.). Pineapple.

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Functional food: 4 benefits of fruits in the production Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:25:00 +0000 Functional food: 4 benefits of fruits in the production 

In recent years, U.S. consumers have shown interest in foods and beverages associated with health benefits. This is a significant influence on purchasing decisions for 6 out of 10 consumers. Shoppers are focused on prioritizing nutrition and are increasingly turning to functional food made from fruit products to improve their diets (Sloan, 2022).  The following […]

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Functional food: 4 benefits of fruits in the production 

In recent years, U.S. consumers have shown interest in foods and beverages associated with health benefits. This is a significant influence on purchasing decisions for 6 out of 10 consumers. Shoppers are focused on prioritizing nutrition and are increasingly turning to functional food made from fruit products to improve their diets (Sloan, 2022). 

The following are the benefits of the use of fruit-derived ingredients in the production of functional food.  

Benefits of fruit based functional food   

In the United States there is a growing concern for health, healthy eating, and foods with special benefits. Most of all, functional products prepared with ingredients derived from fruits, prebiotics, and probiotics, among others (Garcia, 2020; Falco, 2020).  

This is functional fruit food that promotes naturalness but is linked to foodtech. It enriches the nutritional value of commodities and provides benefits, such as the following (Sloan, 2022; Garcia, 2020; Interempresas, 2022; Lopez et al., 2020):  

1. Functional fruit food strengthens the immune system  

The consumption of functional fruit products plays an essential role in immunity and disease prevention. This fortified food provides vitamins and minerals that help the body to strengthen the immune system. It reduces the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases, improving digestive health, and maintaining healthy intestinal flora.   

2. Functional food contribute to physical and mental performance  

Energy, mood, mental, and emotional health are among the reasons behind the consumption of functional fruit products. This type of food can enrich the nutritional value of the commodities with ingredients that provide physical performance to the body for daily activities. In addition, it is related to soothing and relaxing benefits on memory, concentration, and cognitive skills.  

3. Functional fruit allow personalized styles of feeding  

Functional fruit products allow consumers to maintain a personalized eating style according to their needs. Due to the use of technology, this is a growing and constantly changing industry sector. As a result, there are more and more options for functional food that can be made with fruits and the niches in which they are integrated. This increases the possibilities for consumers to design eating patterns according to their tastes and needs.  

4. Functional fruit is cleaner and more sustainable  

Some consumers perceive functional products as healthy when they are produced using ethical methods. In fact, 4 out of 10 people think that foods with fruits grown with sustainable techniques have a higher content of vitamins and minerals, thus increasing their functional properties. The use of raw materials, such as simple puree or concentrate, helps to reduce waste, and avoids the use of by-products. It also reduces water consumption and has fewer pesticides, which minimizes environmental impact.  

Functional food is one of the influential trends in the food industry. This reflects the increase in its presence as a response to the concern of consumers to have an adequate diet. In addition, it has favored the development of new products with fruits that offer health benefits and maintain their organoleptic properties, providing better flavors. Therefore, including them in final products is a good market innovation strategy option.


  • Falco, C. (2020). Functional processed products. Promperú.  
  • García, G. (2020, May 7). Functional foods, what consumers are looking for. The Food Tech.  
  • Interempresas (2022, October 11). Functional foods: a market to be explored.  
  • López, C., Remacha, A., Luna, C. and Layunta, M. (2020). Functional foods: health benefits and disease prevention. Bibliographic review. Ocronos Journal.  
  • Sloan, E. (2022, April 1). Top 10 functional food trends.  

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Fruit desserts: when to use pulp, concentrate or NFC? Fri, 11 Aug 2023 06:48:00 +0000 Fruit desserts: when to use pulp, concentrate or NFC? 

Natural fruit desserts provide a greater number of benefits to consumers. Additionally, it is a fantastic way to increase the flavor intensity of your food products. Read on to learn how to use natural fruits in your desserts.  What are the most popular fruit desserts in the United States?  In the United States, the most […]

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Fruit desserts: when to use pulp, concentrate or NFC? 

Natural fruit desserts provide a greater number of benefits to consumers. Additionally, it is a fantastic way to increase the flavor intensity of your food products. Read on to learn how to use natural fruits in your desserts. 

What are the most popular fruit desserts in the United States? 

In the United States, the most common dishes enjoy an enormous gastronomic variety. The reason for this is that it is a country founded by immigrants from all over the world (CEVAC, s.f.). 

The most popular dishes in the country are (Cristina Arias, s.f.). 

  1. Banana split. Products like yogurts or ice cream cones have banana split flavored presentations. They use a freezing process that preserves the natural fruit for their production. 
  1. Apple pie. In this case, containers are first used to place the dough in each one. Then, the mixture is poured over those containers and is taken to the oven in large quantities (Wired, 2013). 
  1. Lemon pie. It happens the same as in the previous case, but pieces of nuts or fresh exotic fruits can be added. 
  1. Hummingbird cake. Dried fruits are added and baked in their respective molds and the ingredients are mixed in an industrial mixer,. Packaging occurs after the cakes are cooled and unmolded (Fábrica de Tortas el Privilegio, s.f.). 

When to use plain, concentrated or NFC purees? 

All the desserts mentioned above use fruits for their preparations. For them, it is recommended to opt for a simple puree, concentrate or NFC. Below, you will learn when to use each fruit and its benefits. 

  • Simple puree. It consists of the fruit puree, which makes it easy to consume, transport and store (Eroski Consumer, 2022). It is the most feasible solution to avoid the use of flavorings and include healthy properties when consuming fruits. 
  • Fruit concentrates. Fruit juice is processed to remove water and retain all its flavor properties. Concentrates are long lasting and can bring their intense flavor to any food (Jimena Espiga, 2018). You can use it when you want to give a more intense flavor to your food, such as in guava fruit desserts. 
  • Fruit NFC. Contrary to the previous process, Not From Concentrate does retain water. Therefore, it provides a much more natural flavor and absolute freshness (Citromax, n.d.). Use this type of fruit when you want to provide the highest possible freshness to your fruit desserts.  

In conclusion, fruit desserts depend on their preparation processes. Incorporating any of the types of fruits will add more flavor to your products. Do not hesitate to add it when you consider it necessary. 


  • Arias, C. (s.f.). 10 typical desserts of the United States that you must try. Tips for your trip.  
  • CEVAZ. (s.f.). Gastronomy of the United States.  
  • Citromax. (s.f.). NFC Juice. Eroski Consumer. (2022, November 2) Is eating fruit puree the same as eating whole fruit?  
  • Espiga, J. (2018, January 19) What are the differences between a juice, fruit concentrate and nectar? Tapas.  
  • El Privilegio Cake Factory. (s.f.).  
  • Jancer, M. (2013, October 25). See How a Single Factory Can Make 210,000 Apple Pies a Day. Wired.  

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Types of fruits that will magnify your industrial meal Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Types of fruits that will magnify your industrial meal

There are different types of fruits derived from their main classification. Whether they are sweet, semi-sweet, acidic, semi-acidic, or neutral, these will help you improve the flavor of your food (Finedining Lovers, 2021). We will explain what factors to consider when choosing the best fruit for your industry. When to use fruit variations in processed […]

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Types of fruits that will magnify your industrial meal

There are different types of fruits derived from their main classification. Whether they are sweet, semi-sweet, acidic, semi-acidic, or neutral, these will help you improve the flavor of your food (Finedining Lovers, 2021). We will explain what factors to consider when choosing the best fruit for your industry.

When to use fruit variations in processed foods

According to the classification and types of fruits mentioned in the introduction, knowing when to use them is necessary. The main intention is not to overload your food, drink, or snack with flavors.

Whatever they are, fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. When it comes to combining several types, we recommend no more than three at a time. Also, try not to mix acidic fruits with sweet ones, as it could cause digestion problems (Solnaturaleza, 2019).

Types of fruits that will improve your industrial foods

In the following list you will find some fruits that will help you to perfect the flavor of your industrial foods:

  • Exotic fruits: with a unique flavor, they are uncommon in production processes. However, they provide a distinguishable flavor that you can take advantage of to differentiate yourself from your competition. For example, finger limes, dragonfruit, and guava fruit, among others (Portal Frutícola, 2012). Another option is to present them in natural juices or as pulp.
  • Candied fruits: are the most common when producing large quantities of food. This is due to the fact that the possibility of the fruit rotting is eradicated (Lázaro, 2022). On the other hand, the cooking process to which they are subjected reduces the liquids in the fruit. We advise using them if your objective is to produce cakes, bars, or long-lasting snacks.
  • Crystallized fruits: this is a process after obtaining candied fruits (Lázaro, 2022). In this technique, they are coated with sugar and can be used to generate a different texture, in addition to a sweeter and more intense flavor. You can use them in desserts or candies.

Benefits of different types of fruits

Finally, we want you to know what the benefits are of using some of the fruits mentioned above. This way, you will be able to consider adding them to your products in a clearer and more objective way.

  • It is possible to combine different types and classifications of fruit for greater impact.
  • The different processes provide unique textures and flavors, which you can use for pastries, cocktails, or any other preparation.
  • You can prioritize durability by using candied or crystalized fruits in your products.

Finally, we conclude that these different processes will allow your customers to consume your products at the right time. In addition, you will be able to combine these fruits to provide a unique flavor, try them and let your consumers enjoy your preparations more!

Bibliographic references

  • Fine Dining Lovers (2021, September 28): What types of fruits are there and what are the benefits? a
  • Lazarus, J. (2022, May 14). What is the difference between candied fruit and candied fruit? Lazaya.
  • Portal Frutícola (2012, November 30). Exotic fruits are enchanting the U.S. market.
  • Solnaturaleza. (2019, July 24). Which type of fruit is better, sour or sweet?

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Guava Fruit: Varieties, Health Benefits, and Use in Multiple Products Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:31:34 +0000 Guava Fruit: Varieties, Health Benefits, and Use in Multiple Products

Guava fruit is a very famous tropical fruit in American countries. While its import decreased in the United States in 2022, there are still many benefits to be exploited (El Sol del Centro, 2022). Let us elaborate on why we highly recommend you include it in your products. Popular products using guava fruit in the […]

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Guava Fruit: Varieties, Health Benefits, and Use in Multiple Products

Guava fruit is a very famous tropical fruit in American countries. While its import decreased in the United States in 2022, there are still many benefits to be exploited (El Sol del Centro, 2022). Let us elaborate on why we highly recommend you include it in your products.

Popular products using guava fruit in the U.S.

In the last decade, the tropical fruit market in the United States boomed. As a matter of fact, the United States is the first importer of tropical fruits worldwide (OEC, 2023). Under this premise, we will show you some articles which use such fruit:

  • Energy drinks. Celcius, for example, uses it as both an ingredient and flavoring agent. This is to the fact that these fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins (Scielo, 2021), not to mention their pleasant, sweet taste.
  • Jam from multiple brands. Whatever the food, guava-based sauce is delicious. Another reason for its popularity in the domestic fruit market.
  • Juice flavoring sachets. Just like other tropical fruits, it can be used to prepare juices —they might provide various flavors—.
  • Candies. They are also commonly found in candy or candy presentations. They not only provide candies with a characteristic smell and flavor, but a unique color.

Guava fruit presentations and its benefits

If you are considering whether to add it to your commercial products, you should be aware of their presentations. The most common are the following:

  • Puree. It is made from the unprocessed pulp. Certainly, anyone can give it different uses and it is kept cold. Moreover, its content is completely solid.
  • NFC. It is an acronym for “Not From Concentrate” products (Citromax, n.d.). This presentation of guava fruit aims to maintain the natural aroma and taste of fresh guavas. Unlike concentrated forms, NFC guava fruit retains its liquid state without undergoing concentration processes.
  • Concentrate. Unlike NFC, this is obtained through a concentration process. In this way, it is possible to separate the water from the juice to obtain the purest essence of the fruit (Tapas, 2018).

Reasons why you should use it in your products

After knowing the most popular products and presentations of it, let us tell you why to use them:

  • It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals: including vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. It offers you even more than an orange (Scielo, 2021).
  • It has a unique aroma: the smell of guava fruits is sweet, soft, and very attractive.
  • It is an exotic fruit: Florida is the only state that can grow it, apart from tropical countries (Scielo, 2021).

Make your customers fall in love with your products by using guava fruit as an ingredient or additive. You can differentiate yourself from the competition with a popular and coveted tropical fruit like this one —Use it now!

Bibliographic references

  • Citromax (n.d.). NFC Juice.
  • Dávalos, T. (2022). Export of guava fruit to the United States collapses. El Sol del Centro.
  • Espiga, J. (2018). What are the differences between a juice, a fruit concentrate and a nectar? Tapas.
  • Fresh Plaza (2019). Guava fruit varieties are gaining ground in the U.S.
  • OEC. (2023). Tropical Fruits in the United States.
  • Quintero, J., et al. (2021). Optimization model for the distribution of guava fruit from Mexico to the United States of America. Scielo.

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Exotic fruits: Top 5 of the Best Ones for Your Industrial Foods Tue, 20 Jun 2023 17:23:04 +0000 Exotic fruits: Top 5 of the Best Ones for Your Industrial Foods

According to the OEC (2023), the United States holds the top position as the world’s largest importer of exotic fruits. We want to provide you with information on the finest varieties to enhance your culinary endeavors across a wide array of dishes. The Most Consumed Exotic Fruits in the United States In the past few […]

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Exotic fruits: Top 5 of the Best Ones for Your Industrial Foods

According to the OEC (2023), the United States holds the top position as the world’s largest importer of exotic fruits. We want to provide you with information on the finest varieties to enhance your culinary endeavors across a wide array of dishes.

The Most Consumed Exotic Fruits in the United States

In the past few decades, there has been an unprecedented surge in the demand for tropical fruits and vegetables, surpassing all previous records. This is due to the constant growth of the retail population (Siicex, 2011).

The consumption of foreign fruits is one of the substantial bases of fresh food imports (OEC, 2023). As a result, it is highly probable that you will come across a selection of these fruits during your visit to a traditional market:

  • Mangosteen
  • Dragon fruit
  • Citrus caviar
  • Tuna
  • Hot bell pepper

The 5 Most Popular Exotic Fruits in The United States

Now that you are acquainted with the most popular fruits in the United States, let us present the ranking of the top five. In this compilation, our emphasis lies in providing you with an extensive list of exotic fruits from Colombia.

5. Cape Gooseberry

While the cape gooseberry is a fruit native to Peru and quite common in South America, it is not as widely available in the everyday U.S. market. Interestingly, it is Colombia that takes the lead in its global exportation (Fine Dinning Lovers, 2022).

This fruit is known to be rich in vitamin C, in addition to containing antioxidants (IAlimentos, 2023). The latter contributes to extending the youthful appearance of the skin. When consumed, it is commonly used in desserts or drinks as the main ingredient.

4. Zapote

It is a fruit consumed since pre-Hispanic times, whose origins extend throughout the Americas (Government of Mexico, 2016). Its texture is hard, and its color can vary between regions. Colombia is one of the Latin American countries that exports it to the United States.

Besides being characterized by an intense flavor, the consumption of this exotic fruit contributes to reducing high blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves diarrhea. In turn, it can stand out for its use in jams and desserts (Government of Mexico, 2017).

3. Pitaya (Dragon Fruit)

It is one of the most striking fruits due to its peculiar appearance. Likewise, it is recognized for its sweet flavor, which makes it one of the most demanded.

While its origins can be traced back to America, particularly the tropical zone, this fruit is now cultivated not only in various regions across Vietnam but also in other parts of the world (IICA, 2018).

Among the health benefits of its consumption is its high vitamin C content. It also contains captine, which helps to relax the nervous system. This fruit is renowned for its exceptionally refreshing qualities and serves as an excellent natural source of antioxidants (Anahuác Mayab, 2021).

Moreover, it is commonly employed as an addition to milkshakes or chilled desserts. Conversely, it can also be incorporated into haute cuisine for its decorative appeal.

2. Gulupa

Gulupa originated in southern Brazil, but its cultivation has spread to America, Australia, and New Zealand (Invesa, n.d.). In addition to its characteristic sweet taste, this fruit is famous for having a very pleasant aroma.

Among the numerous benefits of consuming it, notable highlights include its antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is crucial to emphasize that it may also contribute to enhancing the well-being of individuals with high blood pressure levels (Invesa, n.d.).

When incorporating it into your dishes, you can harness its exceptional aroma to your advantage. This versatile ingredient can be enjoyed in its natural form or utilized in a variety of preparations such as ice cream, juices, desserts, and salads (Agroclick, 2021).

1. Passion Fruit

Passion fruit, hailed as the most sought-after tropical fruit, has garnered widespread popularity throughout Latin America. Its origins can be traced back to Brazil, particularly the Amazon region (Cedeva, 2016). Currently, cultivation of this crop spans various tropical regions, including Colombia, Venezuela, the United States, Australia, Brazil, Asia, and numerous other countries.

This is one of the exotic fruits that offers numerous benefits to its consumers, primarily due to its high content of vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. Additionally, it boasts a remarkable abundance of antioxidants that aid in the prevention of chronic diseases (Coracai, n.d.).

When incorporated into recipes, it can be used in juices, sweet desserts, cocktails, and other preparations. It is also highly prized in confectionery, as its jam is unparalleled and delicious (Coracai, n.d.).

Why To Include Exotic Fruits in Your Menu?

In addition to the health benefits mentioned above, exotic fruits offer an incomparable taste. Add them to your restaurant dishes or any industrial food – it is almost impossible to say no to their fabulous sensation! Moreover, this presents a remarkable opportunity to set yourself apart from competitors. Without a doubt, your customers will always want more!

Bibliographic references

  • Albareda, F. (2011). Opportunities of the “Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector in the United States”. Siicex.
  • Ovies, M. (2021). Pitahaya, the dragon fruit and its benefits. Anáhuac Mayab.
  • Castellanos, P. (2023). What are the benefits of cape gooseberry? IAlimentos.
  • Cedeva (2016). Technical guide for the management of passion fruit.
  • Colombia (n.d.). Colombia’s 10 most exotic fruits, like passion fruit.
  • Coracai (n.d.). Maracuyá properties and benefits.
  • Fine Dinning Lovers (2022). Cape gooseberry: what it is, properties and its use in cooking.
  • Government of Mexico (2016). Zapote, fruit like no other.
  • Government of Mexico (2017). Zapote Negro, Mexican fruit with great flavor and popular tradition.
  • Gottau, G. (2021). Pitahaya or dragon fruit: properties, benefits and its use in cooking. Vitónica.
  • Invesa (n.d.). The gulupa fruit, an exotic crop that promises to conquer the world.
  • Montenegro, L. (2022). From Colombia to the world: the big business of “exotic” fruits. Goula
  • Morales, N. (2021). Gulupa, the passion of christ. AgroClick.
  • OEC. (2023). Tropical Fruits in the United States.
  • Pérez, H. (2018). Pitahaya or dragon fruit is significantly promoted in the Dominican republic. IICA.
  • Portal Frutícola (2012). Exotic fruits are enchanting the U.S. market.
  • Villegas, I. (2009). The cultivation of cape gooseberry. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica.

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