You are currently viewing Mango pudding: its industrial process and how to improve it 

Mango pudding is a cold and very delicious dessert. Here you will learn the differences between industrial and homemade preparation. Read on to learn about the ingredients and the preparation process of this unique dessert. 

Origin of mango pudding 

Apart from desserts such as mango sorbet, pudding is another highly demanded version of this fruit. Its origins are shared with the origin of mango, being Asia the cradle of both (Fruit Today, 2021). 

However, it is believed that culturally, pudding comes from Singapore and Hong Kong, although there is no hard data. Hundreds of years ago, mango cultivation and consumption spread to Africa and the Americas (Fruit Today, 2021). For this reason, today it is a very popular fruit worldwide. 

Mango pudding ingredients 

The ingredients for its preparation are not too different from the mango cake. However, it can vary depending on the type of preparation it undergoes. For example, homemade pudding uses these ingredients (Cooking with Dog, 2019): 

  • Fresh mango (either in fruit, puree, concentrate or NFC – juices not from concentrate). 
  • Lemon juice. 
  • Sugar. 
  • Water. 
  • Powdered gelatin. 
  • Whipping cream. 

Similarly, the industrialized pudding requires: 

  • Mango essence. 
  • Water. 
  • Sugar. 
  • Agar-agar or gelatin. 

Preparation of mango pudding: homemade vs. industrial 

When comparing the industrial or homemade system, it is evident that the main difference is the objective quantity. Therefore, we want to show you the marked differences between the industrial and homemade processes in the preparation of pudding. 

For home made this pudding, the preparation process is as follows (Cooking with Dog, 2019): 

  1. Boil water and mix the mango puree, sugar, milk and gelatin in a bowl over low heat. 
  1. Add the lemon juice, pour the mixture into several cups and cool in the refrigerator. 
  1. Once the pudding is firm, add the cream together with pieces of fresh mango. 

Industrial one uses machinery for each step and larger quantities of ingredients. This is the process explained in summary (Made in China, s.f.):  

  1. Water treatment. 
  1. Machinery cleaning. 
  1. Hot tank filling. 
  1. Mixing of the ingredients. 
  1. Filling of the temporary tanks. 
  1. Sterilization process, cooling, and draining. 
  1. Depositing the pudding in its packaging containers. 

Avoiding the use of fresh mango can extend the shelf life of industrial pudding. On the other hand, including fruit in the preparation process may enhance flavor, but shortens shelf life. 

It all depends on the preparation 

The preparation can vary depending on whether it is industrialized or not. Undoubtedly, those who enjoy mango puree will enjoy this popular dessert. In conclusion, always look for the best ingredients to make your food the best for your customers.


  • Cooking with Dog. (2019, September 5). Mango pudding recipe (delicious summer dessert).  
  • Fruit Today. (2022, November 22) What is mango? The origin of this fruit.  
  • Made in China. (s.f.). 1t/H Mango Jelly Pudding Processing Production Line.  
  • Wikipedia. (2020, May 20). Mango pudding.  
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