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Many consumers are unaware of what is behind the products they buy at the supermarket. So, in addition to the magic of a production process, there is also a strong influence of supplier management. Let’s explore what their best practices should be to ensure the quality (QA QC) and safety of food production.

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Supplier management: importance in the food industry

It plays a vital role in the industry. Its importance ensures that supplies of raw materials, ingredients and packaging meet quality and food safety standards (Garcia, 2022).

Undoubtedly, suppliers play a fundamental role, due to the following reasons:

  • Companies cannot obtain all the materials needed for food manufacturing.
  • Some inputs are not available locally and international suppliers are required.

In this sense, they are is fundamental for the operation of a company, which makes it dependent on them. Likewise, it is crucial to seek efficiency through strategies that minimize the impact on the supply chain in case of unexpected events (Toloza, 2022).

Best practices in supplier management

García (2022) indicates that the key to developing an effective supplier management program that inspires confidence and is feasible lies in the implementation of practices that minimize risks. Thus, it is transcendental for the development of reverse logistics.

Here are some best practices:

Supplier selection

The company’s needs are examined in detail. Below you can find the most important elements:

  • Quality.
  • Supply capacity.
  • Cost.
  • Sustainability.

The selection of suppliers that share the company’s values and objectives should be prioritized.

Continuous assessment

Clear indicators must also be established to assess management performance. Actions are implemented such as:

  • Frequent quality, compliance and delivery assessments.
  • Proactively address any anomalies or non-compliance.

·         In addition, recognize suppliers who maintain a high level of performance.

Efficient negotiation

In this regard, it is decisive to have everything clear with suppliers through:

  • The terms and conditions of the contract. This includes prices, terms and responsibilities.
  • Maintain clear and honest communication.
  • Create alternative plans to deal with unforeseen situations.

Incorporation and integration

In addition, the practices for incorporating new suppliers that can be complied with are as follows:

  • Streamline the process of integrating new suppliers in an efficient manner.
  • Provide information on their expectations and standards.

·         Also, promote a long-term working relationship based on trust.

Management of commercial partners

Suppliers are strategic allies, as they are part of the organization’s success. For this reason, it is necessary to:

  • Maintain regular communication.
  • Explore possibilities for joint and collaborative innovation to develop solutions.

In conclusion, best practices for supplier management have a high impact on process improvement. Moreover, we encourage readers to apply them in their operations to achieve effective management that makes a difference in the marketplace and promotes excellence on an ongoing basis.

Bibliographic references

García, G. (2022). Supplier control, key in the food chain. The Food Tech.

Toloza, J. (2022). The Importance of Supplier Management in the Purchasing Area of Aje Colombia. University of Santo Tomás.