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Explore how fruit ripening optimizes the quality of industrial purées, enhancing the taste and nutritional value of your products.

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Fruit ripening: what is the process like?

Have you ever wondered what makes a fruit reach its peak of flavor and aroma? The answer lies in fruit ripening, an essential process in the food industry.

Join us to discover how this natural phenomenon is key to making delicious and nutritious fruit purées that conquer the US market.

Fruit ripening: what is the process like?

Fruit ripening is a complex process influenced by genetic factors that transform a green fruit into one with the following characteristics:

  • Sweet.
  • Mild.
  • With better color and aroma.

These changes make it more attractive for consumption, but if ripening takes too long, it can lead to large crop losses. Researchers have identified several genes that regulate this process, leading to a better understanding of how fruits develop and ripen (Marc et al., 2024). In fact, enzymes are key to fruit ripening. Among them are:

  • Pectinase: breaks down pectin, which makes the fruit softer.
  • Amylase: converts starches into sugars, increasing their sweetness
  • Ethylene: a plant hormone that regulates many of the changes that occur during ripening.

According to the food grading, fruit ripening is ideal for producing high-quality purées. These maximize their organoleptic characteristics. Thus, ripe fruits not only taste better but are also more nutritious and easier to digest.

Chemistry of maturation

During fruit ripening, the increase of sugars in fruits can contribute to a slight caramelization, which intensifies the sweet taste in purées. In addition:

  • Starch is a sweet taste (the sugar in fruits).
  • Organic acids decrease, softening its taste.

The stages of ripening are:

  • Pre-ripe: the fruit is still green and not suitable for consumption.
  • Maturity: the fruit reaches its best flavor and texture.
  • Overripe: fruit may become soft or wrinkled.

Benefits of fruit ripening

This biological process provides numerous benefits that enhance fruit characteristics. In the following section, we will delve into how ripening improves food quality across various key aspects:

  • Improve the taste, aroma, and texture of the fruit, making it more attractive for consumption.
  • Ripe fruits are ideal to produce high-quality purées, which make the most of their organoleptic characteristics.
  • Not only do they taste better, but they are also more nutritious and easier to digest.

Fruit ripening for puréeing

In a market where the consumer acts as a supertaster, meticulously assessing the quality and authenticity of products, attention to detail in processes such as maturation becomes even more vital.

In industrial settings, various techniques can be used to manage the ripening of fruits to ensure that they reach their optimum before processing.

This natural process involves changes in the fruit that improve its flavor, texture, and aroma, due to the accumulation of sugars and reduction of acids (Oakes, 2021). Fruit ripening follows several stages:

  • Initial growth and development: the fruit starts to grow after pollination. 
  • At physiological maturity: the fruit attains its final size and shape, although it is not yet fit for consumption. 
  • Commercial maturity indicates that the fruit is ready to be harvested and sold. 
  • Post-harvest maturity: after being harvested, the fruit continues to ripen, affecting its taste and texture.

However, the factors that undoubtedly influence maturation are:

  • Plant hormones: ethylene controls the production of enzymes that facilitate chemical transformations. 
  • Temperature: cooling slows down ripening, while heat speeds up ripening. 
  • A humid environment can facilitate the growth of fungi, while a lack of moisture can lead to early dehydration.

What are the advantages of having this input?

Here are the most important advantages of using ripe fruit in purée production:

  • The products will have an intense, natural taste and flavor. This is due to the reduced need for sugars and artificial flavors.
  • Its smooth, homogenous texture makes it ideal to produce consistent purées. It is perfect for yogurts, desserts, and sauces.
  • It has a higher nutritional value due to its higher content of vitamins and antioxidants.
  • It has a high versatility in the food industry. It is suitable for a wide range of products, from baby food to confectionery and beverages (Food Tech Peru, 2024).

Key to success in high-quality purées

This process is crucial in the industrial production of purées, ensuring products of excellent quality and taste. In the US market, where natural and nutritious foods are highly valued, their use allows for the creation of more appealing and competitive products. Controlled ripening not only improves organoleptic characteristics but also helps to manage the shelf life of perishable food, such as fruits, which are essential in the production of purées.

Bibliographic references

  • Food Tech Perú. (2024, March 11th). Pulpeadoras: procesando frutos en la industria alimentaria.
  • Marc, A., Mureșan, C., Pop, A. and Smaranda, G. (2024). An Overview of Ripening Processes. In: R. Marc. and C. Mureșan. New discoveries in the ripening processes.
  • Oakes, K. (2021, February 2nd). Frutas en su punto óptimo de maduración | ¿Cómo lo hacen? Food Unfolded.

La entrada Fruit ripening: what is the process like? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Sugar in fruits: learn about their role in the food industry Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:10:00 +0000 Sugar in fruits: learn about their role in the food industry

Sugar in fruits undergoes chemical reactions that affect the result of a puree. Learn more about this process and its importance.

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Sugar in fruits: learn about their role in the food industry

The content of sugar in fruits and its natural process are crucial aspects in the elaboration of purees for the food industry. Learn how this component affects the taste, preservation, and nutritional properties of the final product.

Sugar in fruits: how does it affect the production of purees?

Sweetness is the main organoleptic characteristic of fruits. This is due to the presence of natural sugars (fructose and glucose) in the pulp. During the industrialization process, they undergo some changes that provide their distinctive characteristics. We tell you which ones.

Sugar: key to the preservation of fruits

Natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, decompose in a few days if they are not consumed quickly. To avoid it, the industry uses different techniques to extend their shelf life. This facilitates their distribution, commercialization, and arrival to the final consumer.

One of the most frequent techniques in the production of fruit purees is pasteurization. It consists of subjecting the raw material to high temperatures to eliminate the bacteria that cause decomposition and inactivate oxidative enzymes.

At the same time, the increase in temperature causes the evaporation of the water present in the pulp. With a lower humidity environment, harmful microorganisms cannot survive and reproduce. Thus, the loss of water in the fruit creates a favorable environment for preservation.

Flavor during the process

During the pasteurization process, the natural sugar in the fruit undergoes a chemical reaction: enzymatic browning or caramelization. As the temperature rises, the sugar oxidizes and releases volatile enzymes.

These chemicals oxidize the natural phenols in the fruit, causing brownish pigments to appear. That melanin gives the puree its characteristic caramel color, flavor, and aroma.

In addition, the evaporation of the water causes the pulp to thicken and acquire a softer, more palatable texture. This also allows its use in different applications, such as yogurt, desserts, flavored drinks, jams, and bakery products.

Nutrition of sugar in fruits

The natural sugar in fruits provides carbohydrates needed in a balanced diet. Therefore, fructose and glucose, in moderate amounts, are beneficial to health (Laguna & Alegret, 2021).

Often, the food industry adds high amounts of white sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup to various raw materials. These added sugars extend the shelf life of products and enhance their flavor. However, they are high in calories and have low nutritional value. Consequently, it is important to purchase products with low or no added sugar content that retain their original properties.

One advantage is to consume 100% natural fruit purees in airtight containers. This way, flavor, quality, safety, and nutrition can be guaranteed in each of its ingredients. Finally, the presence of sugar in fruits and its chemical behavior has a direct impact on the final product and its perception by consumers. Take this information into account and discover how Dream Foods ensures high quality products for your business.

Bibliographic references

  • FAO. (n.d.). Capítulo 5: Procesos. Descripción general de los procesos.
  • Laguna, J., & Alegret, M. (2021, December 27). Por qué el azúcar de la fruta es bueno para la salud y el de los procesados no. BBC.
  • Mora, M., & Rodríguez, P. (2022, May 19). Cinco formas de conservar las frutas y verduras para que no se pudran. The Conversation.

La entrada Sugar in fruits: learn about their role in the food industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Food costing calculator: why you should consider it Wed, 05 Jun 2024 20:30:57 +0000 Food costing calculator: why you should consider it

A food costing calculator helps to know the expenses in logistics, distribution and to understand how profitable the business is.

La entrada Food costing calculator: why you should consider it aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Food costing calculator: why you should consider it

In the food industry, where efficiency is critical, good cost control can make the difference. Learn the keys to the food costing calculator and explore how to improve each aspect to achieve a balance between quality (QA QC) and profitability.

Food costing calculator: what is it about?

Cost management in food production, especially for products such as fruit purée imported from regions such as Colombia, is critical to achieving profitability and sustainability.

Foremost, to set the ideal food costing calculator in your business, it is essential to identify:

  • The right percentage in relation to your selling price.
  • The accuracy in the execution of the recipes.

The steps include calculating the cost of food and beverages versus sales. Subsequently, an ideal cost percentage should be determined based on adherence to the ingredients and the particularities of each product (Sheykin, 2024).

Now, what are its different components? Keep in mind the following:

Raw material

The price of raw material is one of the most important factors in calculating the cost of food. These costs fluctuate depending on several factors; for example:

  • Season: Seasonal fluctuations affect the abundance and price of fruits. In high season, prices tend to decrease due to increased supply. In low season, scarcity leads to higher costs.
  • Availability: Factors such as weather, pests, and farming practices influence fruit availability. Years with favorable conditions increase production and reduce prices, while adverse events can cause shortages and increase costs.
  • Product quality: High-quality fruits are more expensive but essential for a good final product. Using lower-quality fruits can reduce upfront costs, but impact the quality and acceptability of the purée.

It is crucial to establish strong relationships with local suppliers, for example in organic farming. This is to ensure competitive prices and high-quality raw materials. In addition, diversifying suppliers can help mitigate the risks of scarcity or price increases.

Food costing calculator: production costs

These costs encompass all expenses associated with the process of turning the fruit into purée. These include:

  • Energy consumption
  • Machinery maintenance
  • Labor costs
  • Costs to comply with sanitary and quality regulations.

Improving efficiency in the production line can be achieved through the adoption of advanced technologies and constant training of personnel.

Logistics costs

In food costing calculator, logistics encompasses processes such as:

  • Storage: involves costs related to physical space, refrigeration (if necessary), and inventory management. Storage facilities must comply with food quality and safety, maintenance of these spaces, and product handling.
  • Transportation: includes the cost of fuel, vehicle maintenance, driver salaries, and, in some cases, transit fees and tolls.
  • Product distribution to destination markets: this process requires effective coordination with retailers and distributors. It must be able to adapt to fluctuations in demand to avoid overstocking or shortages.

Logistics costs can be considerably high, especially in the case of exports. Therefore, it is crucial to select efficient modes of transport and optimize logistics routes to efficiently manage these costs.

Food costing calculator: tariffs and duties

Importing food involves different tariffs and duties that have a considerable influence on the final price of the product. It is essential to keep informed about current trade agreements and customs regulations to reduce these costs (Martínez, 2023).

Marketing and distribution costs

Marketing is crucial to ensure that both raw materials and finished products reach the final consumer efficiently. This includes activities such as:

  • The promotion of the product.
  • Its presence at points of sale.
  • Relationship management with distributors and retailers.

Marketing strategies in food production are vital. They not only drive sales, but also ensure that the value chain is efficient and aligned with market expectations and needs.

Optimizing the distribution chain can lower related costs and strengthen product presence in the marketplace.

Food costing calculator manage efficiently

It is vital to increase profitability in food production by optimizing operational efficiency, managing resources in advance, and creating sound marketing and logistics strategies. These approaches help to significantly lower costs and simultaneously elevate competitive position in the marketplace.

Referencias Bibliográficas

  • Ali, H. (2024, 9 de enero). How to reduce the cost of production in food manufacturing facilities?
  • Martínez, C. (2023). Impacto en los aranceles en el costo de los productos improtados. Revista Digital Comunicación y Gerencia, 3 (1), 19-29.
  • Sheykin, H. (2024, 4 de abril). 8 crucial operating costs every foodproduction business should know. Finmodelslab.

La entrada Food costing calculator: why you should consider it aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Supertaster: what is its role in the food industry? Mon, 27 May 2024 16:13:23 +0000 Supertaster: what is its role in the food industry?

In this article we explain what a supertaster does, what is their role in the food industry and the challenges of the job.

La entrada Supertaster: what is its role in the food industry? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Supertaster: what is its role in the food industry?

Do you know what a supertaster is? It is a person with a high sensitivity to compounds in food that create certain flavors. In particular, these experts have the ability to detect a substance called 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP). This is thanks to the greater number of taste receptors they have in their mouth, especially on their tongue (Hernandez et al., 2018).

Supertasters are allies of food manufacturers who want to create delicious products for their consumers. Bellow you will learn more about their work, their contributions, and their challenges in the food industry.

Importance of sensory analysis in the food industry

The success of the food industry is determined by the quality and taste of its products. In this mission, the supertaster is crucial to determine whether a food product is ready to go to market. According to Lapeña (2016), sensory analysis serves, among other things, to:

  • Analyze the characteristics of food perceived by sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.
  • Understand the attributes of food products and their relationship with consumer tastes.
  • Conduct market research based on product acceptance and preferences over competitors’ products.
  • Conduct studies on social or ethnic groups, their preferences, and their appreciation of different food attributes.

In general, supertasters help the food industry to develop products that respond to consumer demands. For example, with the rise of healthy eating and advances in food technology, they have helped create products with less salt, sugar, and saturated fat without sacrificing taste. This has contributed to the success of many brands.

What techniques does a supertaster use to analyze flavors?

As we have already told you, supertasters perform sensory analysis. They determine the sensory properties of foods and predict their acceptability to consumers.

Overall, sensory analysis uses a set of techniques for measuring and evaluating certain properties of foods by one or more of the human senses (INCAP, 2020). These techniques are specialized and depend on the food manufacturer or chef requesting the analysis.

Generally, a supertaster focuses on olfactory-gustatory sensitivity to detect specific product attributes. Hernandez et al.(2018) argue that, depending on the sense they use, these attributes can be:

  • Taste: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami.
  • Smell: related to the palatability of food.

Now, although taste and smell are crucial for the perception of food taste, the same authors state that other stimuli must also be taken into account. Among them are:

  • Cognitive: emotional, social, economic, and cultural factors.
  • Auditory: sound of the food, the packaging, or the act of eating.
  • Visual: shape, color, portion size and variety in food presentation.
  • Tactile: firmness, softness, creaminess, thickness, and crunchiness.

What are the challenges in flavor analysis?

Although supertasters are essential for food quality control, their analysis is by no means free of challenges.Ideally, they shouldkeep their senses sharpened despite age, illness, or when suffering olfactory-gustatory sequelae, such as those caused by COVID-19 (Bubola, 2021).

In addition, a supertaster must undergo highly specialized training to be able to describe the sensations they perceive. This is the only way to obtain reliable, precise, accurate, and representative results (INCAP, 2020). As you can see, the world of the food industry is wide, and you must consider many factors before creating and launching a new product. Therefore, it is important to have excellent raw materials, trained professionals, and specialized support in the manufacture of high-quality perishable food or fresh food.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Bubola, E. (2021, August 22). La covid le arrebató el olfato a un ‘supercatador’. Ahora ayuda a otros a recuperar los aromas perdidos. The New York Times.
  • Hernández, M., Martínez, B., Almiron-Roig, E., Pérez-Diez, S., Blanco, R., Navas-Carretero, S., et al. (2018). Influencia multisensorial sobre la conducta alimentaria: ingesta hedónica. Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, 65(2), 114-125.
  • INCAP. (2020). Análisis sensorial para control de calidad de los alimentos.

La entrada Supertaster: what is its role in the food industry? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Distribution channel: the essentials on the food industry Wed, 08 May 2024 13:02:00 +0000 Distribution channel: the essentials on the food industry

How do fruit pulp products reach a safe destination? Find out what the distribution channel is and how it makes it possible!

La entrada Distribution channel: the essentials on the food industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Distribution channel: the essentials on the food industry

The fruit pulp industry is a dynamic sector where freshness and excellence are essential. Therefore, behind every sip of fruit pulp is a functioning distribution channel that makes it possible. But, how do products reach consumers? Here is a look at what it is all about.

Distribution channel: what are we talking about?

Within the food industry, a distribution channel represents the route that a product follows from production to the final consumer (Across Logistics, 2023). This process involves a series of logistics and marketing activities that ensure two things:

  • That products are available at the right place at the right time.
  • The control and assurance of their quality (QA QC).

Among the most frequent types of channels are:

  • Wholesalers: they purchase large volumes of products directly from the food manufacturing industry. Then, they distribute them to retailers or retail outlets.
  • Retailers: these are the places where consumers shop, such as supermarkets.
  • Direct sales: manufacturers who choose to market their products directly to consumers.

Factors to consider when choosing the right channel

According to Mohsen et al. (2023), channel efficiencyis critical in the fruit pulp industry due to the following factors and challenges:

  • Fruit pulps are perishable. Therefore, it is important to find a channel that minimizes the time between production and arrival to the final consumer. This guarantees food preservation.
  • It is vital to know the distance between fruit plantations and markets. For example, in organic farming, it is necessary to be effective in reaching the production industry (Agribusiness Education and Research International, 2023).
  • It is essential to understand consumer preferences and buying habits.
  • The ability of intermediaries to store, transport, and handle fruit pulps safely and efficiently needs to be assessed.
  • Distribution costs and expected profit margins have an impact on the choice of the most profitable channel.

Strategies for optimizing channel management

In order to be effective at managing a distribution channel, it is important that you consider these recommendations:

  • Select reliable partners that ensure efficient distribution.
  • Implement technology in inventory management and shipment tracking.
  • Employ effective promotional and marketing strategies that impact the selection and performance of distribution channels.

For example, suppose that a fruit juice company decides to expand into new markets. To improve management, it could partner with specialized exporters who have knowledge of the required regulations and logistics. In addition, it could launch targeted marketing campaigns to create awareness of its products in the new markets.

Choose your distribution channel wisely

Are you ready to take your business to the next level by exploring new distribution strategies? The key is to understand how this channels impact consumer buying behavior. Find out more about this exciting world and get your fruit pulp products into every nook and cranny!

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Across Logistics. (2023, May 22). Distribution channels. What they are, types and objectives
  • Agribusiness Education and Research International. (2023, November 8). Effective marketing channels for agricultural marketing. AgriBusiness. /
  • Mohsen, A., Yousif, R., Yasser, I., & Wally, F. (2023). The Effect of Distribution Channels’ Strategies and Types on Consumers’ Buying Behavior of Convenience Products. MSA-Management Sciences journal, 2(2), 102-125.

La entrada Distribution channel: the essentials on the food industry aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Organic farming in the production of fruit purée Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:50:00 +0000 Organic farming in the production of fruit purée

Organic farming is a fundamental agricultural practice in industrial food production. What precautions you should know about it?

La entrada Organic farming in the production of fruit purée aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Organic farming in the production of fruit purée

It is becoming more and more common to hear about organic farming. And there is a reason why this is happening. The world is increasingly aware of the importance of health and the environment. As such, it is critical for food companies to ensure that their suppliers follow internal policies that are aligned with the organizational culture of their operations.

One of the key aspects in this regard is the choice of sustainable agricultural practices. Among these is organic farming.

Organic farming and policy compliance

This practice is defined by the use of methods that minimize environmental impact. Therefore, it promotes biodiversity and seeks the preservation of natural resources. In the cultivation of fruit for purée production, the process involves:

For this reason, it is essential to ensure the absence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and to respect the natural growth cycles of plants (Brook & Johnson, 2022).

Its importance in the production of fruit purée

This process plays a vital role in the production of fruit purée because of its benefits. For example, organic products tend to have better quality, taste, and aroma (Infoalimentos, n.d.).

On the other hand, avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers promotes food safety and consumer health. As a result, it reduces the risks of toxic residues in food.

In addition, organic farming promotes sustainable practices that preserve natural resources, such as soil and water.

Precautions recommended by the U.S. government

When importing agricultural inputs, especially those intended for food manufacturing, the U.S. government establishes regulations. Some of them are (USDA, 2024):

  1. Organic certification: it is required to have a certification that demonstrates compliance with specific standards for ecological or organic agriculture. Such standards are defined and approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  2. Food safety standards: imported agricultural inputs must comply with the regulations established by the FDA regarding food safety. This includes compliance with hygiene standards, pesticide control, etc.
  3. Product registration and approval: some agricultural inputs may require specific registration or approval by the competent authorities.
  4. Compliance with labeling regulations: imported agricultural products must comply with the regulations established by the FDA and the USDA.
  5. Compliance with good agricultural practice standards: foreign suppliers must follow good agricultural practices to ensure the quality and safety of products from production to marketing.
  6. Border inspections: imported agricultural products are subject to inspections at points of entry into the United States.  

Undoubtedly, it is crucial that foreign suppliers follow these regulations. Thus, they avoid legal problems and ensure consumer confidence in the quality and origin of the products.

Suppliers that comply with organic farming parameters

Having suppliers that comply with the parameters is essential for two main reasons (Raszap et al., 2023):

  • Organic farming can offer several nutritional benefits compared to food grown using conventional methods. This is due to the use of soils that avoid being contaminated with pesticide residues.
  • By opting for suppliers committed to sustainable practices, companies contribute to:
    • The preservation of the environment.
    • Supporting local farming communities.

Organic farming, industry and production

As you may have seen, choosing suppliers that follow such farming practices is essential. It ensures the quality and sustainability of the supply chain in the food industry. Then, by adopting responsible measures in food production, companies not only comply with regulatory standards. They also promote the health and well-being of consumers.


  • A1 Worldwide Logistics. (2022, April 28). Importing Agricultural Goods into the U.S.
  • Archer, L., Ransom, B., & Coley, M. (2017). Organic farming. UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Brook, L., & Johnson, A. (2022, October 27). New Report: Unlocking the Potential of Organic Agriculture. NRDC.
  • EPA. (2023, November 16). Organic Farming.
  • Infoalimentos. (n.d.). Agricultura orgánica.
  • Raszap, S., Carlson A., & Spalding, A. (2023, November 14). Rising Consumer Demand Reshapes Landscape for U.S. Organic Farmers. USDA.
  • USDA. (2024, February 6). Imports and Exports.

La entrada Organic farming in the production of fruit purée aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Caramelization: get to know more about the process Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:23:25 +0000 Caramelization: get to know more about the process

Caramelization is a common process in the food industry. Understanding how to do it properly is crucial to ensure the quality of your inputs.

La entrada Caramelization: get to know more about the process aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Caramelization: get to know more about the process

Industrially produced foods undergo several chemical reactions. Fermentation, pasteurization, cooling, and caramelization are among the most common. The latter process is particularly important in the manufacture of fruit puree.

Currently, the market offers a wide range of products containing this ingredient. Yoghurts, beverages, jams, and bakery products are a few examples. Consequently, it is critical to properly caramelize the raw material or, if required, avoid its emergence.

Strategies to manage caramelization properly

Do you use products containing fruit puree? Then, get to know the right procedures to caramelize it successfully. Alternatively, learn how to prevent this chemical process from being triggered.

Time and temperature control

This process happens when simple carbohydrates reach and exceed their melting point. In the food industry, carbohydrates are heated to temperatures exceeding 120 °C using reagents that promote caramel color and aroma.

Thanks to food technology, automated systems continuously monitor these processes. Depending on the temperature and heat exposure time, it is possible to obtain different points or shades in the caramel.

Using antioxidants to prevent caramelization

Fruit-based inputs often include lemon juice, which contains citric and ascorbic acid. Both chemicals act as antioxidants that inactivate the enzymes responsible for browning. In addition, the increased acidic environment alters the pH of the fruit so that it browns more slowly.

Apply scalding

To quickly inactivate the enzymes responsible for fruit browning, this technique involves immersing the fruit in boiling water or subjecting it to steam for a few minutes. Additionally, during the process, self-adhesive plastic films are applied to minimize the contact of the pulp with oxygen, which prevents oxidation.

Immerse in cold water

Certainly, this is the simplest procedure to avoid excessive enzymatic browning. To create a low-oxygen environment, the process involves slicing the fruit pieces and submerging them in cold water.

Caramelization: tips to avoid issues in culinary processes

Perishable food tends to decompose quickly. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to implement suitable processes in the food industry. Some of these processes are pasteurization, cooking, or refrigeration.

In this sense, always use inputs in optimal conditions and with the appropriate processing to prevent any problems in the preparation of your gastronomic products. Additionally, adhere to these recommendations, which will assist you in guaranteeing the optimal quality of your fruit purees:

  • Ensure that the fruit is 100% natural, seasonal, cultivated without harmful agrochemicals.
  • Handle purees with utmost care during storage. They contain elevated levels of sugars and acids. This measure effectively avoids the formation of toxic chemicals throughout the processing stage.
  • Perform the caramelizing process depending on your objective, whether it is to enhance flavor, taste, or textural properties.

Undoubtedly, the appropriate level of caramelization in fruit-based inputs impacts on the final quality of your business’s products. Keep this technique in mind if you want to use high-quality raw ingredients, such as those provided by Dream Foods.

Bibliographic references

  • Arias, S., & López, D. (2019). Reacciones químicas de los azúcares simples empleados en la industria alimentaria. Lámpsakos, 22, 123-136.
  • García, G. (2022, October 6). Qué papel juega la química en el procesado de alimentos. The Food Tech.

La entrada Caramelization: get to know more about the process aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Food broker: what are they, and why should you consider them? Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:06:47 +0000 Food broker: what are they, and why should you consider them?

If you want to have an ally to support your food industry, we introduce you to the food broker. Discover its value for your company.

La entrada Food broker: what are they, and why should you consider them? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Food broker: what are they, and why should you consider them?

In the food industry, where competition is intense, and consumer preferences are constantly changing, having a food broker is critical for manufacturers looking to succeed and expand. But why are these intermediaries key players in the food supply chain?

The importance of a food broker

These agents act as middlemen in different stages that take place between several food companies long before reaching the final consumer (Food Standards Agency, 2021). That is, after food production.

Specifically, the value of having a intermediary lies in:

  • First: its ability to facilitate the marketing and distribution of food products. This can be both in reverse logistics and supplier management.
  • Second: it allows those responsible for food manufacturing to focus on production.
  • Third: it maximizes the visibility and sales of products in the marketplace.

For this reason, their role is critical to achieving success in the food supply chain.

Benefits of these intermediaries

Some advantages of having a food broker are the following:

  • They have a wide range of connections in the food industry, which gives them access to a variety of retailers and distribution channels.
  • Also, they have a deep understanding of the market, ranging from consumer trends to regulatory requirements to optimal marketing and promotional strategies.
  • They develop customized promotional and marketing plans for their clients’ products.
  • Besides, they control and influence the quality of the products they manage and market (QA QC).
  • They are responsible for maintaining strong and ongoing relationships with retailers on behalf of manufacturers.

What characteristics to look for in a food broker?

To choose the best and maximize results, you should prioritize:

  • Their experience and strong relationships in the food industry facilitate access to markets and effective distribution. Therefore, it should be someone from whom you can obtain good references.
  • You should also look for someone who understands market trends. This way, they will know how to tailor product-specific sales and promotion strategies.
  • Select a broker with negotiation skills to secure favorable terms with retailers.
  • Work together to develop a promotional plan to increase product visibility and sales. Therefore, they must be transparent in their communication with whoever hires them.

Some key tips to improve the relationship with middlemen are:

  • Communicate goals and responsibilities upfront.
  • Draft a contract that specifies terms and responsibilities.
  • Maintain an ongoing dialogue for effective collaboration.
  • Monitor performance and adjust strategy as needed.
  • Provide relevant data for informed decision-making.
  • Provide regular updates and training on products and strategies.
  • Adapt your expectations to the shifting market conditions.
  • Regularly analyze ROI to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, it is critical to recognize the importance of collaborating effectively with a food broker. This requires setting defined expectations, fostering open communication and monitoring performance. So, make the most of these tips to enhance your business success in the food industry.

Bibliographic References

  • Total Food Service. (2023, 13 de mayo). The Essential Role of Food Brokers in the Foodservice Industry. Total Food Service.
  • Food Standars Agency. (2021, 3 de marzo). Food law
  • In Vanguardia Store. (2022, 28 de julio). What Impact Does A Food Broker Have On A Company?

La entrada Food broker: what are they, and why should you consider them? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Aseptic processing: what is it and why should you implement it? Mon, 05 Feb 2024 21:25:48 +0000 Aseptic processing: what is it and why should you implement it?

In the food industry, product safety and quality are paramount. Learn how aseptic processing contributes to achieving these goals.

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Aseptic processing: what is it and why should you implement it?

In the food industry, it is crucial to prioritize product safety and quality. Aseptic processing is used to achieve this. It is a technique to be considered for its many advantages. Below, we will explore in depth this process and the key steps involved in it.

In the United States, stringent regulations are in place to ensure food safety. Companies operating in this sector must adhere to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations to market their products in the United States.

These requirements include aspects such as (FDA, 2023):

  • Correct labeling of products.
  • Inclusion of nutritional information.
  • Identification of allergens.
  • Complete description of ingredients used.

In addition, manufacturers must package products safely and appropriately to prevent contamination and spoilage

Aseptic processing: minimum standards

This process is performed by the industry to keep products sterile and free of harmful microorganisms during production and packaging (Chavan et al., 2016). Typical sterilization operations comprise methods of these types:

  • Chemical.
  • Thermal.
  • Radiation.

Aseptic processing: basic stages of this type of food packaging

For both perishable food and functional food, the following are the general steps to follow:

  1. Before packaging, the food undergoes preparation and sterilization.
  2. There are various methods used to sterilize the packaging material. For example:
  3. Steam.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Combination of the above.
  6. Then, the sterilized food product is introduced into the sterilized packaging material in an environment free of microorganisms.
  7. To avoid any potential contamination, producers hermetically seal the filled containers.
  8. After sealing, they cool the containers to room temperature before distribution.

An essential aspect to mention is the importance of washing food beforehand. Also, the use of food technology, which lightens every operation.

 Benefits of the process

Here are some of the significant advantages of aseptic processing focus on food safety and preservation of food quality according to The Food Tech (2023):

  • Respect the nutritional characteristics and those associated with the organoleptic characteristics of food. Avoids changes in flavor and a bad mouthfeel.
  • Facilitates access to natural foods without the need for chemical preservatives.
  • Food is sterile and safe for human consumption.
  • Unlike other methods, containers are not heated, reducing the risk of migration of undesirable substances.

Recommendations to take into account

To achieve the required conditions in the aseptic processing, it is fundamental to:

  • Sterilize both the equipment that will come into contact with the product and the surrounding environment.
  • Have a container that prevents the entry of microorganisms once it is sealed during storage and distribution.
  • Instruct personnel in proper cleaning and disinfection practices.

In summary, aseptic processing is decisive in maintaining food quality and ensuring food safety. We invite you to consider everything seen in this article for food production and to recognize its importance in your industry.

Bibliographic References

  • Chavan, R., Ansari, M., & Bhatt, S. (2016). Packaging: Aseptic Filling. En B. Caballero, P. Finglas, & F. Toldrá, Encyclopedia of Food and Health (págs. 191-198).
  • FDA. (06 de 07 de 2023). Food ingredients and packaging. FDA.
  • The Food Tech. (29 de 03 de 2023). This is how aseptic packaging contributes to food preservation. The Food Tech.

La entrada Aseptic processing: what is it and why should you implement it? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

FSSC 22000: what is it and why should you apply it in your business? Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:41:28 +0000 FSSC 22000: what is it and why should you apply it in your business?

Ensuring food safety and quality is crucial for the industry. Learn more about how the FSSC 22000 can support your processes.

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FSSC 22000: what is it and why should you apply it in your business?

What’s behind the safety of the food that reaches every consumer’s table? If you work in the supply chain, research and development in the food or beverage industry, this article will interest you. Below, we will explore how FSSC 22000 certification is crucial to food safety.

FSSC 22000: what does it consist of?

Firstly, the standard represents a certification scheme aimed at managing food safety and security. In turn, its main focus is to ensure and control the risks associated with production in companies in the food sector.

Secondly, it provides the necessary guidelines for the implementation of integrated management systems. Thus, it enables the identification, control and minimization of food safety risks. In addition, it offers good practices in:

Likewise, its importance focuses on ensuring food safety, complying with regulations and maintaining a good reputation in the food industry. It also fosters innovation and competition in a global marketplace, contributing to a safer and more reliable food supply for consumers.

How are safety and quality assured?

At the same time, FSSC 22000 certification plays a vitally important role in the food industry for several reasons:

  • Reduces health risk by employing a hazard analysis and critical control point system.
  • Promotes collective responsibility among collaborators.
  • Improves operating processes and raises the quality of food products.
  • Demonstrates compliance with international regulatory requirements.
  • Enhances brand reputation by supporting sustainability, quality and reliability.
  • Ensures product integrity, which strengthens consumer confidence in the food industry.

Key steps for the implementation of FSSC 22000

To produce tropical fruit purees, simple juices and concentrates, certification involves the following key steps:

  1. Identification of hazards and critical control points in the food production chain, including raw material management.
  2. Establish preventive measures for the control of what was identified in the previous step.
  3. Determine prerequisite programs to ensure food hygiene and safety according to the standard.
  4. Implement a quality management system that encompasses documentation, review and continuous improvement of processes.
  5. Conduct internal audits to assess compliance with the requirements of the standard.
  6. Contract an accredited certification body to carry out external audits and grant the corresponding certification.

Consequently, these steps lead to compliance with food safety standards and applicable regulations.

Ensure food safety and take care of your consumers

In conclusion, adopting this certification is vital to ensure food safety, protect consumers and take advantage of strategic opportunities. It also improves product quality, builds customer confidence and facilitates access to international markets. Undoubtedly, investing in food safety is key to a successful future.

Bibliographic references

  • Borges , I., González, Y., & Soledad, B. (2023). Design of a Food Safety Management System Improvement Plan based on ISO 222000 in a Flexible Packaging Manufacturing Company. Tekhné, 26.
  • Foundation FSSC 222000. (2019). FSSC 222000 Scheme Version 5. FSSC.
  • Vega, G. (2022). FSSC 222000: why choose it and get certified? Food Tech.

La entrada FSSC 22000: what is it and why should you apply it in your business? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Mouthfeel: why opt for captivating textures? Fri, 05 Jan 2024 13:15:00 +0000 Mouthfeel: why opt for captivating textures?

Mouthfeel is important in the production of food. It plays a key role in the consumer experience. Learn more about it here!

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Mouthfeel: why opt for captivating textures?

Mouthfeel is crucial in determining a consumer’s overall experience because it transcends taste and appearance. Therefore, we will explore how it influences the perception of the quality of food products and consumer’s purchasing decisions. Also, we will explore how companies producing tropical fruit purees, simple juices, and concentrates can optimize the sensory experience.

We will also analyze the use of food technology for this purpose. Finally, the importance of recognizing organoleptic properties to design products with the ideal textures according to the expectations of the target market.

The importance of mouthfeel

A determining factor for the success of a food product is to create a positive sensory experience from the first bite. Success lies in conveying freshness, naturalness, and superior quality. This is accomplished by paying meticulous attention to appearance, aroma, taste, and most importantly, optimizing mouthfeel.

Consumers are looking for natural, fresh, and non GMO foods. But when they buy perishable food, they expect organoleptic properties, such as texture to remain intact. That is why producers invest in maintaining quality throughout the production chain, packaging, transport, storage and final preparation.

Mouthfeel: how does this aspect influence product choice?

According to studies, the texture of food has a greater impact on the perception of freshness and naturalness than its aroma. This is especially true for food grading in categories as diverse as fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and cereals.

For example, consumers expect a crunchy texture in apples, a creamy smoothness in yogurt, and a smooth, easy-to-swallow consistency in baby purees. When these expectations are not met, dissatisfaction is greater and influences consumers not to buy the product again.

Optimizing the organoleptic properties of juices and purees

Companies that produce juices, purees, and concentrates from tropical fruits such as mango, strawberry, passion fruit or guava face the challenge of preserving freshness and delivering the sensationexpected by consumers.

This requires controlling variables such as acidity, fiber content, size and shape of suspended particles. It is also important to validate how the organoleptic component of the food is impacted by other factors. For example: temperature, degree of concentration, sharpness, consistency, particle sensation and adhesiveness of the product.

Similarly, Likewise, in purees, it is essential to verify consistency, granulometry, and particle sensation with market standards. This is achieved by combining a good selection of raw materials and the use of technologies. For example: pulpers, refiners, and industrial homogenizers.

Also, sophisticated producers invest in washing food solutions to remove any unwanted residues before processing. This guarantees tropical fruit purees with the highest organoleptic quality.

In conclusion, mouthfeel is an important differentiator that food companies cannot neglect. Optimizing sensory properties such as textures and consistencies specific to each product and market is essential to exceed consumer expectations and generate repeat purchases. We hope this article highlights the importance of designing the best sensory experience and serves to move in this direction.

Bibliographic References

  • Mio, K., Misaki, N., Risa, A., Kaoru, K. y Yuko, K. (2024). Effect of texture preference on food texture perception: Exploring the role of matching food texture and preference. Appetite, 192(1), 107078.
  • Sampurna, R., Phu, W., Pankaj, K., Sabri, B., Nilesh, P., Ravi, P., Mahmud, A. y Naresh, K. (2023). Food product quality, environmental and personal characteristics affecting consumer perception toward food. Frontiers, vol 7.

La entrada Mouthfeel: why opt for captivating textures? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Washing Food: why is it vital for the production unit? Mon, 04 Dec 2023 13:15:00 +0000 Washing Food: why is it vital for the production unit?

Optimal sanitation in handling food practices is key for the industry. Learn about the influence of washing food and what you need to know.

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Washing Food: why is it vital for the production unit?

Sanitation is invaluable in the food industry for handling. Its absence could entail severe repercussions, particularly impacting the consumer. In the following, we will delve into the crucial role of washing food in fruit product processing.

Washing food: why is it important?

Sanitation in input management is essential to ensure food safety and safeguard the health of consumers (FAO et al., 2016). Both perishable and non-GMO foods, including fruits and vegetables, are susceptible to many hazards.

In the context of fruit products, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  • They can harbor harmful microorganisms, toxins, and heavy metals, all of which carry the potential to induce foodborne illnesses (FBD).
  • Pesticides and allergens from these products are another source of risk.
  • These contaminants can jeopardize consumer health, leading to illnesses, allergies, and poisoning. It could be life-threatening.
  • Undesirable flavor, color, texture, and aroma changes are likely to occur.
  • Both the nutritional value and the shelf life of the product can be reduced.

Therefore, it is essential to follow best practices in hygiene and supply handling according to food classification. The objective consists of preventing product contamination, avoiding therefore the possibility of affecting consumers with a TSE. One of the processes to consider is washing food.

Washing food in industrial production

A thorough cleaning and sterilization of vegetables and fruits within the kitchen is necessary to ensure food safety and hygiene. These ingredients are key for the creation of several dishes, many of which are eaten without cooking. For example, functional food (FAO et al. 2016).

Industrial process for washing fruits and vegetables

In large-scale food manufacturing, fruit sanitization is carried out meticulously and according to stringent regulations to preserve the integrity and protection of food products. Foodtech plays an important role in this process.

According to Garcia and Vasquez (2015), the disinfection process in food production can be carried out by:

  • Showers or spraying. It is essential to control the length of the path and the speed of the conveyor belt. These elements directly influence the exposure time to the disinfectant and its effectiveness.
  • Immersion in a disinfectant solution. This will lead to achieving the desired quality and hygiene standards. The most used disinfectant is sodium hypochlorite (NaClO).

It is important to consider the following when washing food:

  • Water must be of good quality to avoid fruit contamination.
  • It is necessary to monitor the washing process to ensure that it is effective and safe.
  • Caution should be exercised when handling fruit after washing to avoid recontamination.

In conclusion, it is necessary to maintain high-quality standards under the provided techniques. Adopting these practices will ensure safety and confidence in each product offered to consumers.


  • FAO, PAHO, and WHO. (2016). Food handler’s manual.
  • García, G., and Vásquez, L. (2015). Guide to good hygiene practices for vegetables and fresh, peeled, chopped or packaged. Catalunya: Generalitat de Catalunya.

La entrada Washing Food: why is it vital for the production unit? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

Supplier management: what best practices should you apply? Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:16:14 +0000 Supplier management: what best practices should you apply?

Many consumers are unaware of what is behind the products they buy at the supermarket. So, in addition to the magic of a production process, there is also a strong influence of supplier management. Let’s explore what their best practices should be to ensure the quality (QA QC) and safety of food production. Supplier management: […]

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Supplier management: what best practices should you apply?

Many consumers are unaware of what is behind the products they buy at the supermarket. So, in addition to the magic of a production process, there is also a strong influence of supplier management. Let’s explore what their best practices should be to ensure the quality (QA QC) and safety of food production.

Supplier management: importance in the food industry

It plays a vital role in the industry. Its importance ensures that supplies of raw materials, ingredients and packaging meet quality and food safety standards (Garcia, 2022).

Undoubtedly, suppliers play a fundamental role, due to the following reasons:

  • Companies cannot obtain all the materials needed for food manufacturing.
  • Some inputs are not available locally and international suppliers are required.

In this sense, they are is fundamental for the operation of a company, which makes it dependent on them. Likewise, it is crucial to seek efficiency through strategies that minimize the impact on the supply chain in case of unexpected events (Toloza, 2022).

Best practices in supplier management

García (2022) indicates that the key to developing an effective supplier management program that inspires confidence and is feasible lies in the implementation of practices that minimize risks. Thus, it is transcendental for the development of reverse logistics.

Here are some best practices:

Supplier selection

The company’s needs are examined in detail. Below you can find the most important elements:

  • Quality.
  • Supply capacity.
  • Cost.
  • Sustainability.

The selection of suppliers that share the company’s values and objectives should be prioritized.

Continuous assessment

Clear indicators must also be established to assess management performance. Actions are implemented such as:

  • Frequent quality, compliance and delivery assessments.
  • Proactively address any anomalies or non-compliance.

·         In addition, recognize suppliers who maintain a high level of performance.

Efficient negotiation

In this regard, it is decisive to have everything clear with suppliers through:

  • The terms and conditions of the contract. This includes prices, terms and responsibilities.
  • Maintain clear and honest communication.
  • Create alternative plans to deal with unforeseen situations.

Incorporation and integration

In addition, the practices for incorporating new suppliers that can be complied with are as follows:

  • Streamline the process of integrating new suppliers in an efficient manner.
  • Provide information on their expectations and standards.

·         Also, promote a long-term working relationship based on trust.

Management of commercial partners

Suppliers are strategic allies, as they are part of the organization’s success. For this reason, it is necessary to:

  • Maintain regular communication.
  • Explore possibilities for joint and collaborative innovation to develop solutions.

In conclusion, best practices for supplier management have a high impact on process improvement. Moreover, we encourage readers to apply them in their operations to achieve effective management that makes a difference in the marketplace and promotes excellence on an ongoing basis.

Bibliographic references

García, G. (2022). Supplier control, key in the food chain. The Food Tech.

Toloza, J. (2022). The Importance of Supplier Management in the Purchasing Area of Aje Colombia. University of Santo Tomás.

La entrada Supplier management: what best practices should you apply? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

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Food grading with fruit: do you know your requirements? Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:15:39 +0000 Food grading with fruit: do you know your requirements?

Have you ever considered how to ensure the quality and authenticity of food products in the U.S. market? This question is fundamental for those involved in the food industry. As a result, this is how you will find out about the food grading of fruit foods and what the requirements are according to their categorization. […]

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Food grading with fruit: do you know your requirements?

Have you ever considered how to ensure the quality and authenticity of food products in the U.S. market? This question is fundamental for those involved in the food industry. As a result, this is how you will find out about the food grading of fruit foods and what the requirements are according to their categorization.

The importance of product inspection in food grading

Firstly, inspection/evaluation of products in the U.S. market is critical to ensure both consumer safety and the quality of goods sold. In this regard, food technology can be particularly useful.

In addition, these practices are essential to safeguard companies from possible economic losses due to product recalls, lawsuits, and reputational damage (Estrellas, 2023). There are some essential reasons such as:

  • Food safety.
  • Product quality.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • Consumer protection.
  • Safeguarding the company’s reputation.

On the other hand, there are several general tests that can be carried out on these perishable foods and functional foods, such as the following:

  • Organoleptic test.
  • The quality of the fruit used. Involves performing physical, chemical and microbiological analyses in order to assess both the quality and safety of the beverages.
  • Comparison with standards and regulations established by competent authorities, such as the FDA in the United States.

Food grading: requirements for fruit meals

Consequently, its requirements for fruit meals are important because they ensure the quality and safety of the products. To clarify, these requirements are based on specific categories, evaluation methods and several key aspects (Alzamora et al., 2004).

In this sense, such fruit meal grading can be classified as follows:

  • Fruit drinks.
  • Ice cream and dairy products.
  • Jams and preserves.
  • Cakes and pastries.

Fruit beverages

These include fruit juices, flavored waters and fruit-containing beverages. According to Acosta (2020), during the inspection, aspects such as the following are evaluated:

  • Authenticity of flavor.
  • Fruit content.
  • Food safety.
  • Accurate labeling.

Ice cream and dairy products

The U.S. FDA is responsible for the regulation of dairy products (FDA, 2021). Thus, the inspection of dairy products with fruit focuses on the quality of the fruit, the uniformity of the blend, food safety, and the homogeneity and texture of the final product.

The review focuses on:

  • Fruit quality.
  • Uniformity of the mixture.
  • Homogeneity and texture of the final product.

Food grading: jams and preserves

This category includes products such as jams, jellies and fruit preserves. For instance, the evaluation focuses on the following aspects according to Roldan (2021):

  • Quality of the fruit used.
  • Consistency and texture of the product.
  • Sugar concentration.
  • PH and food safety to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms.

Inspection as a crucial axis

In conclusion, the evaluation of fruit products ensures quality and safety that benefits everyone in the food industry. Subsequently, in a context where consumers demand quality products and companies compete to stand out, fruit food grading and inspection is critical to ensure that our food choices are healthy, tasty and reliable.

Bibliographic references

  • Acosta, O. (2020, december 7) How to ensure beverage quality control in the food industry? The Food Tech:
  • Alzamora, S., Guerrero, s., & Vidales, S. (2004). Conservation of fruits and vegetables by combined technologies. FAO:
  • Estrellas, L. (2023, march 22). what is a produce inspection? Safety Culture.
  • FDA (2021, june 24). What does FDA regulate? FDA
  • Roldan, C. (2021, may). Project of a jam processing industry with seasonal fruit of 644,000 kg per year of production in Ecija (Seville). Madrid: Polytechnic University of MAdrid.

La entrada Food grading with fruit: do you know your requirements? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

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Reverse logistics: how to apply it in food manufacturing Wed, 04 Oct 2023 21:38:30 +0000 Reverse logistics: how to apply it in food manufacturing

Organizations must actively engage in waste recovery to reduce the environmental impact attributable to waste. This action aids in mitigating climate change, halting the loss of nature, and providing sustenance for more people. In the United States, roughly one-third of all produced or imported food goes to waste. Consequently, U.S. companies need to adopt reverse […]

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Reverse logistics: how to apply it in food manufacturing

Organizations must actively engage in waste recovery to reduce the environmental impact attributable to waste. This action aids in mitigating climate change, halting the loss of nature, and providing sustenance for more people. In the United States, roughly one-third of all produced or imported food goes to waste. Consequently, U.S. companies need to adopt reverse logistics to achieve the objective of reusing these resources and deriving value from them as raw materials (FAO, 2022; WWF, 2022).

Here are four tips for implementing this in food manufacturing. These are (FAO, 2022; WWF, 2023; Marañon, 2020; Lezama-León et al., 2021):

1. To train the team in reverse logistics activities

To implement it in a business, the first step involves investing in training the team. Employees must understand what it entails and the requirements for putting it into practice. Food loss or waste occurs at various stages of the supply chain, involving numerous actors. Hence, it’s crucial for the work team to comprehend its processes and the execution of each operation.

For example, train employees in QA QC processes, waste management, and merchandise removal and sorting. Furthermore, in recovery, recycling, and management of food that can be reused or require specialized management.


2. Manage transportation in reverse logistics

Managing transportation constitutes a vital component of reverse logistics. Ensuring the practical return of products and packaging to the company stands as a key objective. To achieve this, it becomes imperative to chart out the most efficient distribution and collection routes for the products.

For instance, one can optimize logistics costs by merging delivery and collection routes. Furthermore, it is feasible to transport products that have surpassed their expiration or consumption dates alongside those still suitable for consumption, provided there’s no risk of contamination. When handling the return of refrigerated or frozen products, it’s crucial to uphold the appropriate temperature throughout transportation for food preservation food quality.


3. Apply new technologies to the processes

Implementing it demands the adoption of new technologies. Currently, digital solutions exist for overseeing omnichannel logistics, enabling streamlined and efficient communication during return collection.

For instance, utilizing an application for registering and integrating all logistics inputs and outputs can significantly enhance the efficiency of the returns process. Additionally, it is advisable to utilize tools that track the movement data of goods, such as:

  • Routing systems that decrease the delivery time of returned food.
  • Monitoring technology to control temperature and humidity throughout the supply chain. From food production to pickup and shipment.
  • ERP solutions to more easily determine metrics such as the merchandise with the highest return rate or the return on investment of returned products.

4. Regulatory framework to prevent food loss in reverse logistics

Food companies must implement it and establish additional controls to prevent food loss actively. To achieve this, they should take into account the regulatory framework and laws that promote private sector participation in reducing and preventing food loss.

In the United States, for instance, tax incentives support food donations, facilitated through food banks that distribute food to vulnerable individuals. Ongoing efforts are also standardizing national date labeling to curtail food waste. In conclusion, reverse logistics stands as the cornerstone of waste recovery within organizations. This approach enables the reduction and prevention of food loss and waste in the supply chain. Therefore, it becomes crucial to train the workforce, optimize route traceability, employ new technologies, and consider laws governing waste management. Such measures not only positively impact food safety and the environment but also actively contribute to these goals.

Bibliographic References

  • FAO. (2022). Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Reduction of Food Losses and Food Waste. Rome.
  • World Wildlife Fund (2023). A call to action on U.S. food loss and waste policy.
  • Lezama-León, E., Lezama-León, M., Solís-Galindo, A. and Figueroa-Urrea, H. (2021). Analysis of the Reverse Logistics of Perishable Products in Mexico.
  • Marañon, P. (2020, December 5). Reverse food logistics . . . a way to reduce hunger.
  • WWF. (2022, April 26). How the next Farm Bill can reduce food loss and waste in the United States.

La entrada Reverse logistics: how to apply it in food manufacturing aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

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QA QC: how are they different and why are they important? Wed, 27 Sep 2023 14:56:46 +0000 QA QC: how are they different and why are they important?

How can you trust that the food you buy is safe and of high quality? Well, behind every product, there is a series of specialized processes that guarantee its quality and safety. We are talking about QA QC. What do these acronyms stand for and why should you take them into account? Safeguarding the quality […]

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QA QC: how are they different and why are they important?

How can you trust that the food you buy is safe and of high quality? Well, behind every product, there is a series of specialized processes that guarantee its quality and safety. We are talking about QA QC. What do these acronyms stand for and why should you take them into account?

Safeguarding the quality of food products, especially fruit purees, is vital for the consumer. Discover the role of QA QC.

QA QC: what is it about?

These terms are two key elements in the U.S. food industry:

  • QA stands for “Quality Assurance” or quality assurance.
  • QC stands for “Quality Control”.

They look the same, but what is their difference?

 The fundamental distinction between QA QC lies in the following aspects:

  • QA is dedicated to avoiding quality failures, while QC is oriented towards the identification of defects already present.
  • QA is a methodology for managing quality. Thus, it seeks to ensure that manufacturing practices and procedures are designed in such a way as to produce a high-quality product. On the other hand, QC is a series of activities that focus on evaluating and confirming the quality of the finished product or service (Malyavko, 2022).

In other words, while QC acts reactively to detect faults already existing in the final product, QA takes a proactive approach to prevent imperfections, both before and during the manufacturing process (Escudero, 2023).

Key Factors in the Food Safety of Fruit Purees

Food safety with fruit purees is a comprehensive process comprising a number of key factors. These components, supported by QA QC, ensure that products meet quality standards and are safe for consumption (Escudero, 2023).

Here are a few of the things to watch out for in food manufacturing:

  • The quality of the raw material must be based on knowledge of the origin of the fruit. It must also have certifications that validate the quality of the fruit, such as organic standards and good agricultural practices.
  • Processing. Especially in pasteurization and sterilization. This is very important for food preservation. Pathogens could be eliminated and proper acidity and pH levels could be maintained.
  • Quality control through microbiological and sensory tests.
  • Storage and distribution monitoring through uninterrupted cold chain and expiration date.
  • Regulatory compliance with FDA/USDA parameters.
  • Verification of labeling that complies with legal requirements. Must provide all information to consumers such as ingredients and allergens.
  • Traceability of each point in the process with reliable and visible product records.
  • Periodic audits of the food safety and quality management system.

In summary, quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) play several important roles in the production and distribution of high-quality products. These processes will make the difference between a safe and a risky product. Therefore, we invite you to keep these two quality standards in mind when choosing your products.

Bibliographic references

  • Escudero, E. (2023). Evolution of Food Quality Assurance Systems.
  • Malyavko, V. (2022). Quality assurance versus quality control.

La entrada QA QC: how are they different and why are they important? aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

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Non GMO foods: characteristics and advantages as raw material Wed, 13 Sep 2023 16:39:57 +0000 Non GMO foods: characteristics and advantages as raw material

Non GMO foods are products without genetically modified organisms, meaning that they have not undergone any genetic change in the production processes. They are foods used as raw materials in the U.S. food industry. Mainly, as ingredients and inputs to make products with fruits, vegetables, and other fresh foods (Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Council, […]

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Non GMO foods: characteristics and advantages as raw material

Non GMO foods are products without genetically modified organisms, meaning that they have not undergone any genetic change in the production processes. They are foods used as raw materials in the U.S. food industry. Mainly, as ingredients and inputs to make products with fruits, vegetables, and other fresh foods (Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Council, S.f.a; Non-GMO Project, 2023).

Learn about the main characteristics of this type of food and its advantages in industrialized production.

Main characteristics of non GMO foods

These types of foods are products that have not undergone a genetic engineering process. This means that their ingredients are not derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO). It is one of the food technology trends characterized by the use of more natural ingredients, which have not had their genetic code artificially manipulated in a laboratory (Non GMO Food Control and Certification Council, S.f.b).

In them, the genetic structure of the plants used in the product is not modified for certain purposes.  In other words, Non GMO foods do not have combinations of genes that are not available in nature. Thus, they are obtained from seeds and plants that have not been modified in any way (Non-GMO Food Certification and Control Board, S.f.b).

The non-GMO food market and its advantages

In the United States, 44% of consumers state that Non GMO is an important statement on food labels. This is due to a growing trend in the use of Non GMO foods. In addition, consumers are becoming more nutritionally aware. They are more aware of genetically modified ingredients in their food (Garcia, 2023; THE FOOD TECH, 2023).

They are even more aware of the nutrition label. As a result, they are more likely to choose products that contain fresh ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables. Which means they are making informed decisions about what they choose to eat. In fact, brands certified as Non GMO increase their sales by up to 20% (Garcia, 2023; THE FOOD TECH, 2023).

Advantages of non-GMO foods

Choosing non-GMO or non-GMO foods, compared to other inputs, brings advantages in industrialized production. Among them are the following (Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Council, S.f.c; Garcia, 2023; Non-GMO Project, 2023):

  • Guarantees the organoleptic quality of the products. They maintain the characteristics and natural composition of their raw materials.
  • Promotes the use of fresh inputs and ingredients in accordance with the specifications required in the final products.
  • Maintains an integrated risk management that ensures the safety of the products. They are perishable food that offers greater control over contamination and toxicity.
  • It favors compliance with regulatory requirements to meet or exceed the quality levels demanded by customers.
  • Facilitates access to world markets for non-transgenic products and offers greater opportunities for participation and differentiation.
  • Secures more than 55,000 products with unique formulas. Among them, products made from fruits, such as juices, purees and even functional food.

In conclusion, non GMO foods are products without genetically modified organisms. They are used as inputs or ingredients in products made from fruits, vegetables, and other fresh foods. Their use ensures the quality of the final product and favors greater control of contamination and toxicity. Thanks to this and other advantages, betting on this type of food favors your company’s production.

Bibliographic References

  • Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Council (S.f.a) What are NON-GMO products?
  • Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Board (S.f.b) What does NON GMO mean?
  • Non-GMO Food Control and Certification Council.(S.f.c). What are the benefits of NON GMO certification?
  • Garcia, G. (2023, August 21). Non-GMO Project awards certification to dairy protein for food applications. The FOOD TECH.
  • Non-GMO Project (2023, March 31). NON-GMO PROJECT Certification Standards.
  • THE FOOD TECH. (2023, January 31). Transgenic foods: the dilemma between their effects and benefits.

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Food preservation: what aspects should your packaging meet? Sun, 20 Aug 2023 07:42:00 +0000 Food preservation: what aspects should your packaging meet?  

Food preservation is done in diverse ways to extend the time in which it is transported, displayed, purchased, and consumed. In the United States, it is an important procedure to guarantee food quality and hygiene in all commercialized products. This especially includes food grade packaging, since it can make the product safer for human consumption […]

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Food preservation: what aspects should your packaging meet?  

Food preservation is done in diverse ways to extend the time in which it is transported, displayed, purchased, and consumed. In the United States, it is an important procedure to guarantee food quality and hygiene in all commercialized products. This especially includes food grade packaging, since it can make the product safer for human consumption (Clayton et al., n.d., FDA, 2023).  

These are the minimum packaging requirements in food manufacturing for optimal preservation. 

Packaging methods for food preservation  

Foods are often preserved by adding ingredients, by heat or cold, or with room temperature, refrigerated, or frozen packaging methods. These last are suitable to preserve fruit-derived products since consumers perceive them as safer and more convenient (Clayton et al., n.d.). 

Packaging as a food preservation technique helps maintain smell, texture, and taste quality for longer without affecting the final product. With this technique, it is possible to preserve most of the organoleptic properties of food and guarantee long shelf life. For this, the North American regulations request the packaging minimum requirements established by the FDA (2021) and the FAO (n.d.).  

Packaging must be carried out with suitable material 

Food and beverage packages can be classified according to the type of material: glass, paper and cardboard, metal, and plastic. For derived-fruit products, a suitable material is used, which is generally plastic. It is a more hygienic material than others, and opting for thermoplastics such as PET is common.  

These are characterized by their low-cost production and good mechanical and barrier properties. Nowadays, it is the most used packaging material. For this reason, it replaces, in certain cases, other materials such as glass, metal, paper, or cardboard. 

Food preservation must be carried out in labeled packaging 

Product packaging must meet the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX CXS 1-1985). It includes the following provisions for food preservation:  

  • Product name according to the type of food or raw material to be packaged.  
  • Product information such as use description or preparation, risk warning, ingredient list, nutritional facts, etc.  
  • For packaging intended for retail sale, the lot of number, manufacturer name and address are included. 
  • Storage instructions that establish the capacity to be stacked and transported. 
  • Protection instructions against deterioration, leakage, breakage, blows, vibration, compression, temperature, etc.  
  • Types of transportation that indicate the ease and safety of moving products. From the manufacturer to the storehouse and store (tertiary packaging) and consumer (primary packaging).  
  • Information for product entry into the US market, such as origin, destination, reference, and other regulations required by the FDA.  

Packaging is a food preservation method that gives products a long life. It is of vital importance in its commercialization within the US market. It is an important part of food production that improves the final presentation of the product. In addition, it enables more hygienic transportation and storage, ensuring the quality of products.


  • Clayton, K., Bush, D. & Keener, K. (n.d.). Food preservation methods. Pardue University.  
  • FAO. (n.d.). The general standard for juices and fruit nectars (codex stan 247-2005).  
  • FDA. (2023, June 7). Food packaging and other substances that come in contact with food Information for consumers.  
  • FDA. (2021, January 9). Packaging and food contact substances (FCS).

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Organoleptic: 4 Ways of Determining Food Quality Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:07:00 +0000 Organoleptic: 4 Ways of Determining Food Quality

The organoleptic properties of foods comprise the physical characteristics that can be perceived through the senses, such as taste, smell, texture, and color. In addition, they are important attributes that influence consumer choices, as they are measured through the analysis of the sensations produced by them. Therefore, taking advantage of thisprofile is decisive for their […]

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Organoleptic: 4 Ways of Determining Food Quality

The organoleptic properties of foods comprise the physical characteristics that can be perceived through the senses, such as taste, smell, texture, and color. In addition, they are important attributes that influence consumer choices, as they are measured through the analysis of the sensations produced by them. Therefore, taking advantage of thisprofile is decisive for their acceptance or rejection. This provides knowledge of consumer behavior and food quality (OCETIF, 2019; Amerex, 2022).

How to Take Advantage of Food Organoleptic Profile

Theseprofiles are related to what can be perceived by the senses. Such properties are to be considered in the quality product evaluation, based on specific textures, characteristic odors, pleasant tastes, and specific aromas. For example, wine is tasted under these criteria for quality examination (Higuera, 2023).

These properties are decisive as well in the first impressions produced by the food to be consumed. Therefore, the role of these four basic parameters is very important in perishable foods, such as fruits. Learn now how to take advantage of these sensations in the food industry (Higuera, 2023; OCETIF, 2019; Amerex, 2022; AgroJardin, 2022):

1. Identify Flavor as Food’s Main Characteristic.

The food industry identifies five types of tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami. Consumers can perceive these tastes through taste buds and smell. In addition, they can distingue between slow and immediate tastes within this profile.

For example, among the slow flavors to be perceived, there is the acidity of malic acid, especially in unripe fruits such as grapes, mangoes, apples, or cherries. As for immediate flavors, the acidity of citrus fruits —such as strawberries, oranges, or lemons— can be identified.

2. Color: An Important Indicator in the Organoleptic Profile

Color is an indicator of the chemical reactions occurring in food. It is the most striking characteristic. The consumer is largely guided by the sense of sight. The brightness and tonality of fruits are important, as they express their quality or freshness.

Many color variations are normal and do not affect safety. However, sometimes hue can be a sign of spoilage. For example, fruit color changes are a result of exposure to light or air. This causes oxidate fresh foods, which leads to changes from a bright, vivid hue to a darker one.

3. Textures as Differentiating Properties 

The texture is one of the most differentiating qualities in both the food industry and food technology. It is an organoleptic aspect focused on consumer preferences, measuring the analysis of viscosity, thickness, hardness, or stiffness through the sense of touch. Some foods change their appearance and texture during storage.

For example, in foods such as fruits and their derivatives, the aim is to prevent them from being bruised so that irregularities are not generated. In addition, they must be stored in appropriate temperature and humidity conditions to avoid risks to consumers.

4. Aroma, an Organoleptic Aspect Difficult to Characterize

As a property, it is difficult to characterize food aroma. It is presented by its volatile compounds. Some of them, are naturally presented; others, arise due to food processing.

It is a quality that can appear as part of enzymatic reactions. For example, caramelization or fermentation of fruit sugars. For all these reasons, the organoleptic profile of food is a way to describe the physical characteristics that can be appreciated by the senses. It produces sensations that influence consumer preference and choice. Taking advantage of the taste, smell, texture, and color of food is important when giving flavor to the food.

Bibliographic references

  • AgroJardin (2022, November 17): What are the organoleptic properties of foodstuffs?
  • Amerex (2022, September 2). The organoleptic quality of foods.
  • Higuera, D. (2023, May 30). Organoleptic properties and how they help you in the kitchen. Gastronómadas MX.
  • OCETIF. (2019, February 14). Organoleptic properties of foods.

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Food production: how to optimize the supply chain? Thu, 06 Jul 2023 21:36:02 +0000 Food production: how to optimize the supply chain?

Today, the U.S. food industry faces several challenges due to consumer behavior and changing trends in the economy. From the quality of food production to the digital transformation of the supply chain. And that’s because receiving fresh, good food comes with a big responsibility. If the product is not stored well, is forgotten in stock […]

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Food production: how to optimize the supply chain?

Today, the U.S. food industry faces several challenges due to consumer behavior and changing trends in the economy. From the quality of food production to the digital transformation of the supply chain. And that’s because receiving fresh, good food comes with a big responsibility. If the product is not stored well, is forgotten in stock or has problems in transport, it generates costs and waste (Felix et al., 2020; The Food Tech, 2023).

Fortunately, all this can be improved. Here are 4 tips to optimize the supply chain and avoid potential risks.

1. Automating food production

One of the areas of greatest investment in the supply chain is automation in the production and distribution stages. As a result, food manufacturing is implementing digital technologies in its operations. These include tracking systems, sensors, data analytics and mobile applications to collect information (Alfaro, 2021; Carr et al., 2022).

Its application allows streamlining food processes such as fruit and achieves significant improvements in yield. For example, it offers data centralization, projection of fruit demand, data updating in real time, among others. This generates higher productivity, shorter delivery times, speed to market and avoids risks such as fruit damage (Alfaro, 2021; Carr et al., 2022).

2. Control product traceability

Getting food from one place to another requires good transportation and storage infrastructure. Any failure in this system can cause delays and shortages. This is especially true in perishable food processes, such as fruits. These require proper temperature and humidity control to avoid spoilage (Félix et al., 2020).

Therefore, it is essential to track products to have control over their inventory and dispatch. This allows quick decisions to be made in case of possible problems, which increases trust and transparency with customers. It also ensures that the product received meets all regulatory, quality and traceability standards (Alfaro, 2021; Félix et al., 2020).

3. Taking care of inventory management in food production

Maintaining good inventory management prevents spoilage or contamination of food products such as fruits. For this, it is necessary to integrate a system that allows the management and monitoring of storage. With this, inventory management can be controlled, from raw material replenishment to possible shortages (Destino, et al., 2022; ORBIT Logistics, 2022).

It provides visibility into the movement of fruit in stock and warehouse to avoid spoilage, misinformation, delays and more. These are solutions that help create more effective strategies and identify opportunities with greater agility (Destino, et al., 2022; ORBIT Logistics, 2022).

4. Performs a well-defined supplier selection process

One of the actions to optimize the supply chain is to have a well-defined supplier selection process. For that, it is important to examine them in terms of functional requirements, their form of integration in food production, and initial and operational costs. The process should be implemented in three parts (Destino et al.; 2022):

  • With a list of business requirements covering the essential functions.
  • Clear evaluation criteria that match the company’s needs and product conditions.
  • With a demonstration of use cases to see how well it works in the supply chain.

Supply chain optimization is changing the way products are manufactured. Especially in food production such as fruit, where automation, traceability control, inventory management and supplier selection are key to having an efficient process and supplying U.S. markets.

Bibliographic references

  • Alfaro, G. (2021, May 12). How to achieve a 100% efficient supply chain. Logical Data.
  • Carr, T, et al. (2022, August 29). Delivering the manufacturing renaissance in the U.S. McKinsey & Company.
  • Destino, M., et al. (2022, February 9). To improve your supply chain, modernize your supply chain IT. McKinsey & Company.
  • Felix, I., et al. (2020, July 2). U.S. food supply chain: disruptions and implications of COVID-19. McKinsey & Company.
  • ORBIT Logistics (2022, March 23). Food logistics: how to optimize this process.
  • The Food Tech (2023, January 25). These are the challenges facing the agri-food industry.

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Raw materials: keys for its handling and processing Fri, 30 Jun 2023 22:58:41 +0000 Raw materials: keys for its handling and processing

The proper handling of raw materials in food production ensures the quality of the final product. In the following, we will explore the essential requirements to guarantee a process with excellence. Thisis an essential element in any food manufacturing process. Certainly, its selection is an essential step prior to production. It is intended to ensure […]

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Raw materials: keys for its handling and processing

The proper handling of raw materials in food production ensures the quality of the final product. In the following, we will explore the essential requirements to guarantee a process with excellence.

Thisis an essential element in any food manufacturing process. Certainly, its selection is an essential step prior to production. It is intended to ensure that the quality of products and ingredients meets proper standards (He et al., 2022).

A precise and efficient selection allows to:

  • Enhance the quality of the final products and productivity.
  • Conserving energy.
  • Minimize the use of resources in subsequent stages of production.

Raw materials: handling and processing requirements

So as to obtain quality and safety in the final product, it is important to have essential requirements. According to Grandison, these are the basic ones (2015):

  1. First, in the case of foods such as fruits and purees, everything must start with rigorous quality control to confirm that the required standards are met. Among the most important tests are:
  2. Visual inspection.
  3. Chemical analysis.
  4. Laboratory tests.
  5. On the other hand, hygiene is a major component in handling and processing. Facilities and personnel must comply with hygienic standards to prevent contamination.
  6. In addition, they must be stored correctly to preserve their quality and freshness. This involves controlling temperature, humidity and storage.
  7. Processing procedures will be carried out following standardized methods and protocols.
  8. Traceability is also crucial for tracking from origin to final destination.

U.S. Regulations

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are several regulations for handling and processing:

  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) that establish requirements for personal hygiene, cleanliness and maintenance of facilities and equipment (FDA, 2020).
  • The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system identifies and manages significant food safety hazards (FDA, 2022).
  • Regulations on traceability systems to trace products from origin to point of sale (FDA, 2023).

Certainly, by following these requirements, companies can ensure that they handle and transform effectively; ensuring quality, safety and consistency in their final products.

Final tips for raw materials processing

Finally, optimizing the use of thiswill help increase productivity and minimize waste. Some recommendations to achieve this goal include:

  • Correct storage of food according to its characteristics.
  • Practice the “first in, first out” inventory method.
  • Strategic and efficient production planning.
  • Constantly review how handling and transformation processes can be improved.

In conclusion, by following these tips, you will get the most out of your raw materials, improving the efficiency and profitability of your food production.

Bibliographic references

  • FDA (2020). Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) for Food and Dietary Supplements. U.S FOOD & DRUG
  • FDA (2022). Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). U.S FOOD & DRUG
  • FDA (2023). FSMA Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods.
  • Grandison, A. (2015). Postharvest Handling and Preparation of Foods for Processing. In J. Brennan, Food Processing Handbook (pp. 1-31). Retrieved from He, X., Zhang, et al. (2022). Optimization Model of Raw Material Selection Process for Complex Industry Based on Improved Sequential Quadratic Programming Algorithm. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.

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Perishable food: how should the food industry treat it? Tue, 27 Jun 2023 17:45:30 +0000 Perishable food: how should the food industry treat it?

How many opportunities can perishable food offer in the food industry? These products, especially fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, represent an essential source of nutrients and unique flavors. However, their handling and processing require special care, so how can they be treated to preserve both their properties and quality? Perishable food: these are its advantages! […]

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Perishable food: how should the food industry treat it?

How many opportunities can perishable food offer in the food industry? These products, especially fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, represent an essential source of nutrients and unique flavors. However, their handling and processing require special care, so how can they be treated to preserve both their properties and quality?

Perishable food: these are its advantages!

These products, due to their biological nature and composition, are susceptible to changes during storage and distribution. Because of these particularities, companies must ensure specific conditions to preserve them properly (Kumar et al., 2017).

Among the most significant advantages of having these foods are the following:

  • They are highly nutritious, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
  • They provide fresh and natural flavors that are highly appreciated by consumers.
  • They allow the creation of unique and seasonal products.

How to treat this type of food

Products of this type require a series of interventions throughout the food supply chain; from the initial production stage to the consumer’s plate (Arriaga et al., 2023).

Its use in industry requires careful handling from the beginning. Therefore, some aspects to consider are the following:

  • Select fresh, high-quality fruits.
  • Storing them correctly; often in cold temperatures to delay ripening and spoilage.
  • According to temperatures, the cold chain stands out as an essential tool in the industry; this, is because it generates ideal conditions for food intended for human consumption (Arriaga et al., 2023).
  • A crucial procedure is washing and preparation. Such foods must be properly washed to eliminate any possible contaminants. In this task, unwanted parts, such as seeds or skin, can also be removed, depending on the final product to be obtained.
  • Processing must be carried out precisely and according to handling standards. It must be done in a timely manner to maintain the freshness and flavor of the fruit.

On the other hand, current technological interventions play a crucial role in the optimization and handling of perishable food; thus, ensuring that it maintains its high quality for a more extended period. In turn, pressure processing technologies represent key applications in the supply chain (Haji et al., 2020).

These are used to preserve the current state and improve the shelf life of perishable food. In other words, they are Foodtech (Food Technology) alternatives that preserve and enhance the nutritional values of such products.

Final recommendations

In addressing the handling of these foods, we want to emphasize the importance of following recommended practices. Maintaining proper care throughout the supply chain will not only ensure product quality and safety, but also optimize production and minimize waste. For all these reasons, working with perishable food in the food industry is an investment of time and effort that pays off. Despite encountering many challenges, the rewards are significant. These range from healthier and more delicious production to contributing to a more favorable ecological environment.

Bibliographic references

  • Arriaga, P., et al. (2023). Cold chain relevance in the food safety of perishable products. Foods and Raw Materials, 116-128.
  • Haji , M., et al. (2020). Roles of Technology in Improving Perishable Food Supply Chains. Logistics.
  • Kumar, V., et al. (2017). Perishable and non-perishable food products roles in environment- A review. South Asian J. Food Technol. Environ, 465-472.

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Food technology that impacted the handling of raw materials Fri, 16 Jun 2023 22:18:40 +0000 Food technology that impacted the handling of raw materials

The food industry is constantly changing, and new technological tools play an important role in the field. We are talking about food technology or foodtech. This innovative solution makes it possible to produce food and beverages according to current consumer demands. Its impact improves productive processes at every stage of the supply chain and makes […]

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Food technology that impacted the handling of raw materials

The food industry is constantly changing, and new technological tools play an important role in the field. We are talking about food technology or foodtech. This innovative solution makes it possible to produce food and beverages according to current consumer demands. Its impact improves productive processes at every stage of the supply chain and makes them more efficient, from handling raw materials to the final product.

These are the main food technology tools for handling raw materials and how they have improved their processes.

Food technology: tools for handling raw material

Foodtech is leading the way to the food of the future. Its application in the transformation of raw materials improves production through tools such as:

1. Internet of Things (IoT) in food industry

The use of technology helps to optimize the supply chain, and the application of IoT facilitates quality control. This tool connects sensors to devices and networks with ERP systems to generate information about food and its environment. For example, in the case of fruits and vegetables, precision equipment can be installed to monitor crop conditions, such as humidity and temperature.

Common uses in food technology include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. With these tags, raw materials can be tracked during the supply chain, and information on their status can be generated. In addition, their application provides benefits such as stock tracking, detecting stock-outs, and real-time order control.

2. Big Data, a Food technology tool to optimize processes

Big data is a key technological tool in the food industry. It is used to monitor the status of raw materials and products throughout the supply chain. It is a solution to improve the food safety of inputs such as fruits, reduce waste, and identify process deviations. Additionally, it can be used to extract large data sets and predict outcomes to help optimize operations.

For example, factories can implement an ERP system for supply chain integration. In addition, big data analyzes data and provides information from the point of origin of the raw material to its processing, transportation, storage, and distribution. This contributes to the quality of the final product.

3. Blockchain technology for food traceability

The blockchain in food technology facilitates the exchange of data, which significantly impacts the supply chain. Its most common use is the traceability of raw materials throughout the production process. This provides information that helps to improve the efficiency of the process, recording variables at each stage. For example, during the life cycle of a product, it lists the raw material used, its handling, and its destination. It can achieve a complete tracking system in real-time.

Using this tool has a main advantage, which is related to data veracity. It is a transparent registry —all the users can validate the information uploaded to the database—. In this sense, a generated historical record guarantees data security.

4. Artificial intelligence to improve production

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) is critical to agro-alimentary production. It includes voice recognition, artificial vision, and robotic process automation systems. With this technology, it is possible to manage data obtained from scientific research to select better crop strains and new production models. For example, in fruit crops, it makes it possible to anticipate pests and develop crop productivity forecasts.

In addition, it helps to plan raw material purchases, production, and the entire supply chain operation. It also identifies the best food preservation techniques and automatically makes decisions to improve efficiency and food safety.

Some ideas to improve food technology processes

These tools and technologies are the best known in food industry, and their application can improve industrial processes. Some ideas that can be implemented when handling inputs —such as fruits— are:

  • Using RFID tags. These help to identify, control, and guarantee the quality of the fruits.
  • Automating logistics with a management system (ERP) to ensure efficient handling of inputs and outputs.
  • Handling automated picking tools to streamline warehouse management of both raw materials and finished products.
  • Implementing automated systems with AI and big data to improve the design and development of new products.
  • Installing smart sensors in production processes. These can record data concerning fruit conditions during the supply chain.
  • Applying barcodes to improve traceability and food safety of fruits and their derivatives.

In conclusion, food technology innovation is one of the trends that will change forever the way in which food is produced. Implementing these technologies can improve production processes in the supply chain. In addition, it brings benefits such as ensuring food safety and product quality. It is important that all food and fruit companies update this technology to optimize their processes.


  • AlfaPeople Latam. (2021, October 5 Industria Alimentaria: 5 tecnologías para optimizar la cadena de suministro.
  • Interempresas (2023, May 8). Blockchain, IA y Data Analytics: La tecnología al servicio de la industria alimentaria, en F4F – Expo Foodtech.
  • Romanos, B. (2022). Foodtech. La gran revolución de la industria alimentaria.
  • THE FOOD TECH (2022, May 24): ¿Dónde estará la industria en 10 años?
  • THE FOOD TECH. (2022, May 24). Blockchain y la industria alimentaria: una alianza exitosa.

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Food manufacturing: know the main processes to be improved Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:36:54 +0000 Food manufacturing: know the main processes to be improved

Optimizing food manufacturing improves industry efficiency and performance. In this way, competitive advantage is maintained, and market demand is met quickly. To do this, production processes must be optimized to create more without losing quality. Here is how to improve such processes in the food industry and some tips for maintenance during manufacturing. How to […]

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Food manufacturing: know the main processes to be improved

Optimizing food manufacturing improves industry efficiency and performance. In this way, competitive advantage is maintained, and market demand is met quickly. To do this, production processes must be optimized to create more without losing quality.

Here is how to improve such processes in the food industry and some tips for maintenance during manufacturing.

How to improve food manufacturing?

Food industry processes seek to modify the initial conditions of a natural food, such as fruits, to generate a different product, such as concentrates. In this way, it is possible to enhance flavors, improve preservation or increase its nutritional value.

Improving these processes involves optimizing food production and maintenance. This includes everything from raw material handling and storage to packaging and final presentation of the finished, ready-to-eat product. In fruit processing, certain steps can be improved, what are they?

Raw material handling and product storage

Raw material handling should be done through mechanization, continuous processing and automation. By using self-propelled transport, conveyor belts and forklifts for fruit washing and disinfection, manual fruit handling is minimized.

In addition, the product is usually stored in silos, tanks, warehouses, or cold stores. Such facilities must meet the appropriate handling and preservation conditions.

Extraction process in food manufacturing

This process consists of separating the fruit pulp from the skin, seeds, and other elements. To do this, it is advisable to use automated methods such as crushing, mashing, or grinding. Once the pulping is done, the fruit will go through a cooking process and, if necessary, direct or indirect filtering.

Food concentration and pasteurization process

This process is critical in concentration and food manufacturing, since it can modify its organoleptic properties. Cooking should be carried out in hermetically sealed containers to concentrate the product through a rapid thermal shock. This will prevent the loss of flavors and substances.

In addition, pasteurization is a fundamental heat treatment for food products such as pulps and juices. This must be carried out with optimized equipment to extend the shelf life of the product by reducing the microorganisms in the fruit.

Preservation processes in food manufacturing

Avoiding spoilage of finished products is important to maintain their quality. For that, there are five methods that, today, work in an optimized way:

  • Radiation sterilization.
  • Antibiotic sterilization.
  • Chemical action.
  • Dehydration.
  • Refrigeration.

The first three are used to destroy microbes, while the others are limited to inhibiting their development. During food manufacturing, products are preserved by these methods to avoid contamination.

Packaging and final presentation of products

Food packaging methods are canning, aseptic packaging and freezer packaging. For fruits and fruit products, the conventional method is aseptic packaging. In this, the food container and the closure device are sterilized separately, and the filling and closing operations are carried out in a sterile atmosphere. This ensures optimum product quality.

The major advances in optimization at this stage are focused on the treatment of HTST and UHT sterilized liquids. In these, the product is heated at a high temperature for a few seconds to extend the expiration date. It is then packaged in its final presentation, stored in suitable preservation conditions and shipped to the customer.

Tips for maintenance in food manufacturing

Maintenance in the food industry is one of the most important activities in this sector. It focuses on good manufacturing practices (GMP) covering every aspect of food production.

Such regulations focus on protecting products from any risks, such as adulteration, cross-contamination and mislabeling. In addition, its implementation can help maintain food safety. Some tips to keep in mind are (FDA, 2018):

  • Maintain clean and orderly facilities.
  • Use quality machinery and proper maintenance of equipment.
  • Use automated production lines.
  • Comply with current sanitary standards, guaranteeing hygiene, safety and traceability. These are established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  • Avoid inefficient workflows to minimize production interruptions. This causes losses, due to the expiration of raw materials and products.
  • Apply best practices in quality and risk control processes.
  • Comply with the necessary protocols for IFS, HACCP and FSPCA certification.

Knowing the food manufacturing process helps producers to improve the processing of fruits and their derivatives. This is because the optimization of the stages guarantees the conservation and safety of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to follow these tips and comply with good manufacturing practices to maximize production efficiency.


  • Amendola, L. (2020). 5 Tips to optimize food and beverage production processes supported by asset management Dr. Luigi Amendola, PhD CEO & Interna.
  • Esteban, C. (2021). 10 consejos para agilizar tu proceso de producción. Deal II.
  • FAO. (n.d.). Chapter 5: Processes.
  • FDA. (2018). Good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for the 21st century for food processing (2004 study).
  • FDA (2023). CFR – Code of Federal Regulations Title 21.

La entrada Food manufacturing: know the main processes to be improved aparece primero en Dream Foods Caribe.

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