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The fruit pulp industry is a dynamic sector where freshness and excellence are essential. Therefore, behind every sip of fruit pulp is a functioning distribution channel that makes it possible. But, how do products reach consumers? Here is a look at what it is all about.

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Distribution channel: what are we talking about?

Within the food industry, a distribution channel represents the route that a product follows from production to the final consumer (Across Logistics, 2023). This process involves a series of logistics and marketing activities that ensure two things:

  • That products are available at the right place at the right time.
  • The control and assurance of their quality (QA QC).

Among the most frequent types of channels are:

  • Wholesalers: they purchase large volumes of products directly from the food manufacturing industry. Then, they distribute them to retailers or retail outlets.
  • Retailers: these are the places where consumers shop, such as supermarkets.
  • Direct sales: manufacturers who choose to market their products directly to consumers.

Factors to consider when choosing the right channel

According to Mohsen et al. (2023), channel efficiencyis critical in the fruit pulp industry due to the following factors and challenges:

  • Fruit pulps are perishable. Therefore, it is important to find a channel that minimizes the time between production and arrival to the final consumer. This guarantees food preservation.
  • It is vital to know the distance between fruit plantations and markets. For example, in organic farming, it is necessary to be effective in reaching the production industry (Agribusiness Education and Research International, 2023).
  • It is essential to understand consumer preferences and buying habits.
  • The ability of intermediaries to store, transport, and handle fruit pulps safely and efficiently needs to be assessed.
  • Distribution costs and expected profit margins have an impact on the choice of the most profitable channel.

Strategies for optimizing channel management

In order to be effective at managing a distribution channel, it is important that you consider these recommendations:

  • Select reliable partners that ensure efficient distribution.
  • Implement technology in inventory management and shipment tracking.
  • Employ effective promotional and marketing strategies that impact the selection and performance of distribution channels.

For example, suppose that a fruit juice company decides to expand into new markets. To improve management, it could partner with specialized exporters who have knowledge of the required regulations and logistics. In addition, it could launch targeted marketing campaigns to create awareness of its products in the new markets.

Choose your distribution channel wisely

Are you ready to take your business to the next level by exploring new distribution strategies? The key is to understand how this channels impact consumer buying behavior. Find out more about this exciting world and get your fruit pulp products into every nook and cranny!

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Across Logistics. (2023, May 22). Distribution channels. What they are, types and objectives
  • Agribusiness Education and Research International. (2023, November 8). Effective marketing channels for agricultural marketing. AgriBusiness. /
  • Mohsen, A., Yousif, R., Yasser, I., & Wally, F. (2023). The Effect of Distribution Channels’ Strategies and Types on Consumers’ Buying Behavior of Convenience Products. MSA-Management Sciences journal, 2(2), 102-125.